It's a Cow Boar Fish Thing

in #funny7 years ago

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here yet again
don't you hate it when you have that dream?

You Know the Dream

I'm sure everyone experiences this dream at least seven times in a month, maybe more.

You're out fishing, having a great time with your friends. It's getting late, already dark, but you're half drunk and just cracked open another beer because you don't care.

You finally feel something pulling on your line so you set the hook and start reeling it in. It doesn't put up a fight, but its taking a long time to reel in for some strange reason and feels heavy, much like pulling in a log. To everyone else, this is normal.

After what seems like one half of an hour, you know it's close. You look down and see this thing staring at you...

Cow Boar Fish.jpeg
Artist's composite drawing of the Cow Boar Fish Thing

You're slightly shaken, but not stirred. Everyone else is acting like this is normal. You feel like reaching down to retrieve this prize fish thing, so you do, all while thinking you're about to die.

The moment your hand touches the water you wake up and have to take a piss really bad.

Don't you hate that dream? I do.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I wonder what they taste like?"
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
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I think it's great to reflect dreams with art, I love it!

Sometimes I find it's best to go straight to the source for an idea. Some of the best things come out of that part of the mind. Like I mentioned in another response though, the graphics in the dream were far superior. To be able to see it like that again would most likely give everyone an eerie feeling after seeing it. I had to turn this into comedy, which usually works.

looks like a dog to me and a friendly one at that! :)

This Cow Boar Fish Thing wasn't giving off too many friendly vibes. It was silent and didn't move, just stared. I'm glad I had to go to the bathroom.

Well I might not have had this dream before, but I probably will now...I'll remember to thank you when I do. (Sarcasm? No! I can't wait to dream about pulling a cow boar fish thing out of the lake...actually I can't wait to dream about fishing, my most favorite thing...Sarcasm? No! I love sitting on a boat staring at a line for hours. Actually wait, alchohol is involved? I do LOVE sitting on a boat for hours ;)

This entire thing was based on last night's madness. The graphics were better in dreamland though. The eyes had glowing beams and moonlight was reflecting on ripples, but since it's Sunday, I didn't think too many would see this, so I didn't feel like going the distance with the image. That simplicity took long enough. It rained again today anyway...

Never had that dream :D

Well, it's similar to the dream where you're falling, except you're fishing, and there's a Cow Boar Fish Thing.

hahaha :D nice. Maybe I've had the dream. I'm not sure.

I had a dream where I was upvoting this post...or was it just a dream??

I had a dream once where I wrote a post and people voted on it. I made a shit-ton of Steem that day and even trended! Then I woke up, had to piss, checked my Steemit and unfortunately only 10 out of my nearly 500 followers at the time actually looked at my post. Then I realized I was still dreaming, but this time it was a nightmare! Then I woke up and had to take a piss.

I hear they taste like bacon wrapped filet mignon stuffed with salmon. The animals had to be raised near a nuclear waste site though to have those green glowing eyes. Any kids you produced after eating it will have a third foot or arm but its the most delicious food you can ever eat.

A third foot or arm you say? I smell Olympic gold or one hell of a little football player!

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