Another One From Before I Was Famous: Mr. Fukensmausch

in #funny7 years ago

I'd like to introduce you all to Mr. Fukensmausch.
He may, or he may not have a few words to share with everyone.

MrFukensmausch - Copy.jpeg
Mr. Fukensmausch


My name is Mr. Fukensmausch and I am the only Fukensmausch in existence. Google it and see for yourselves. My creator, The Notorious @nonameslefttouse The Writer/Artist Himself is known as a creative genius. That is all I need to say today. You may, or may not see me, Mr Fukensmausch, again in the near or distant future.

Signed: Mr. Fukensmausch

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Will Mr. Fukensmausch become a household name? Stay tuned!"
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


Thanks i will do google it

He's probably not there yet...
Edit: He is now.

Well hello Mr, Fukensmausch, you are proper creepy! I wonder what your personality will be :)

Mr. Fukensmausch knows he's the only Fukensmausch in the entire world. That went to his head long ago.

So...a cocky fukensmausch? You're saying fukensmausch is a dick?

No, he just knows what's up.

Like him?

Oh God, the inuendo is getting more fun. Where's @breezin, come play ;)

Oh you gotta have something to say about fukensmausch ;)

the dick that knows whats up... ?
is this before or after his rda viagra?

That looks like the guy who tried to hypnotize me, trying to trick me into mowing his lawn for free. I didn't work, but now I can't remember why I have been mowing that lawn for four years now without pay.

Mr. Fukensmausch would like to remind you to stop wasting time going back and forth in straight lines. Start in the middle, mow a tiny circle, then spiral outwards following the line. This will save you many hours over the span of a lifetime.

That's very thoughtful of him. Whatever it is that compels me to take time mowing that huge lawn, I would like to do it correctly. Mr. F. once saved a baby from drowning, and was solely responsible for the invention of ice cream, kittens, and fluffy pancakes, so I refuse to think that there is any malicious intent on his part. He knew that I needed the exercise, fresh air and sunshine.

You forgot balloons and Spring time.

oh lets not forget brown paper packages tied up with string!

hopefully mr F told @nonameslefttouse to listen to every songclip i post in his comment thread.
puts out sharp knives and mop next to camcorder on tripod

Mr. Fukensmausch recommends I stay on high alert for some strange reason. Do you know anything about that?

No, not at all, now please come smell if this rag smells like chloroform to you?

Nope. That's the rag Mr. Fukensmausch uses to wipe his ass. It smells of shit. I'm surprised you didn't notice.

Oh God, wait, I hear it, The Hills are Alive with the sound of...(. Hey, get that gag off of my mouth!)

These are a few of my favorite thinggssss!

Sorry for the delay. Mr Fukensmausch had me busy working on my latest post.

Indeed, we should get together and re-write that song in the most disturbing way possible, do a recording and publish it on steemit!

Lets run a spoof song competition LOL

I knew a Mr. Shitzenmausch once...Great guy:)

Imagine growing up with that name....

I hope that Mr Fukensmausch at least like animals... as he doesn't seem to like humans a lot...

Mr. Fukensmausch likes humans... a little bit.

Mr. Fukensmausch is asleep.

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