Dumb convo of the day....

in #funny6 years ago


A guy called today, with a “heavy attitude”, asking for “a program to watch stocks”….

He said in particular, “I am going to buy a 50 (inch screen)”….

After much explaining, he realized that a “50” is not enough and it will not show stock prices by itself. The “program” he Is referring to is actually a software but he must have a pc as well in order to be able to monitor the stock market in real time.

“Really? I must have a computer????”

“Well sir, it is not possible to run the software from your tv. It needs a processor, storage space, internet connection and other “computer” stuff. But we can connect your tv to the pc as a monitor.” And because I thought that he might want to watch the daily “Ticker” (the daily transactions per stock) I kept explaining but….

“Nooooooo. I want a program….Like the one that the stockbrokers have on their big screens…!!! And I want to place it high in my store so that all customers can see on the 50” he added in the same “old fashion, wise-guy” manner.

I kept trying to explain to him that even if he gets his “50” and a pc to run the software, he cannot project the data for all his customers to see. It is a matter of permissions and copyright from the Athens Stock Exchange. He would need a different “contract” with ATHEX, with a much higher fee, in order to have permission for such a display.

“Because I ‘ll be off until Monday, call me to tell me how it is going to ‘get down’, because I talked with GlobalSoft (other data vendor) and some others (companies?) and they never said a thing about no damn “copyrights and permissions”.

And this is what you get for working at 16th of August in Athens, day aftet the “Dormition of the Holy Virgin”.

All the “normal” people are on vacation and you get stuck with the “weirdos”.

Steepshot_footer2.PNG Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Web

lool I am not on vacation, am I not normal?!?!?!?
A ρε Νικο τι ακους κι εσυ..! χαχαχα

But you live in paradise... ;p

Χαχαχα!!! Ούτε εγώ είμαι!!!!

Μερικοί ότι και να τους πεις δεν καταλαβαίνουν με τίποτα!

akrivos etsi einai!!! :)

Αυτος ειναι ο ΙΔΑΝΙΚΟΣ τυπος ανθρωπου buy my shitcoin bags ! xaxa

χαχαααα.... όλος δικο σου.....

Είναι σαν και αυτή που νόμιζε ότι η τρύπα στη θήκη του dvd είναι "ποτηροθήκη" !

χαχαααα.... ασε .. που να σου πω και άλλες ιστορίες .. θα πέσεις κάτω απο τα γέλια κι ολοι αυτοί διαχειρίζονται πολλά χρήματα άλλων ανθρώπων...

Ημιμάθεια, η μάστιγα της εποχής μας !

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