
it is unfortunate that the keyboard is rarely mightier than the high powered, steem power vote. oh, for the day that i have the power and influence to gut this pretense at order, and reveal it for the control freak fantasy that it is. until that day, i suppose, money still, is the only valued voice, to the confusion and loss of all steemians.

There are as many opinions on Steemit as there atoms in the universe, so that is something every Steemian needs to learn quick fast ... so, get counting those atoms with patience now ;) Hee-hee!

if all the flagging being done here is not abuse, than i fail to see what is. down with cheetah! bullying people with money is a sure sign of a weakling cheat-ah.

'his bastard creations' is my favorite wordage/comment of today so far, so you might win 10 Steem that I award most days as a prize for my favorite comment of the day ;)

i appreciate the favor, though i am almost certain i read it in a book somewhere.
thank you. i will continue my best efforts, especially when it comes to
the extermination of the cheat-ah. do you think there might be some way to sic steemcleaners and cheat-ah on each other? they are the greatest purveyors of abuse on steemit. i understand they are run by the same loser, but it would be similar to a divide by zero.

confusion to anyx!

I'd pay to see a Steemcleaners vs Cheetah battle! It would be like a giant vacuum cleaner chasing around a big cat to try and suck its innards out its ass! Ha ha!

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