Welcome To The Family Beower And My "Brilliant" Idea

in #funny6 years ago

Recently, our family welcomed a new addition to the family. We called him Beower...

Rafa the Cat and Beower


Named for my daughter's way of pronouncing "Meow" as "Beow," he is a toy I got for my daughter because she loves cats so much. Beower is my daughter's favorite toy. It takes two AA batteries. Flick a switch and Beower willl walk and meow (more like squeak because it has a dog's squeaky toy part in it's head). Well...it did meow anyways. The squeaker broke (thank goodness!!!). The walking part works fine.

My Little Rabbit thinks Beower is hilarious. She'll wake us up in the morning holding the toy by the tail wanting us to flip the switch to turn it on. Sometimes she acts like it is chasing her. She hates it when we turn it off. Maybe in her little baby mind she thinks it's alive. I would label Beower as her first real favorite toy. She takes him everywhere. When we go outside to play she runs and grabs Beower to bring with her. He goes with her in the car and to bed. When you flip the switch and turn it on and Little Rabbit sees it moving she smiles so big.

Only three weeks old, Beower has been through a lot


I've been impressed with this little mechanical cat's construction. One day he got left in the rain. I feared Beower had died. A few days of drying out and he worked perfectly fine. A cheap toy I figured it would be good for a few laughs before it broke. Thankfully, this little cat has lasted and is a beloved member of the family in her eyes.

Dirty From The Rain But Still Working


My Brilliant Idea

My daughter's 2nd birthday is on Sept 26th. I couldn't figure out what to do for her. We don't have any friends with kids or many relatives to have a big party. I want her to have tons of fun at a small home party. I figured I would buy her a backup Beower for her birthday for when the first one dies because as hard as she plays with him I'm sure he'll die eventually.

Shopping for a second orange mechanical cat I realized there are other mechanical animals out there. There are a wide variety of dogs, other colored cats, pigs, and rabbits. You put batteries in each animal and they walk, hop, and jump and squeak. At some point when I was birthday shopping I somehow ended up buying 10 little mechanical animals of different colors and animals. I also ended up with a 100 pack of AA batteries.

My daughter's special birthday surprise is that I'm going put all these little mechanical animals in a box, turn them on, and let my daughter open the gift and go crazy. It's going to be hilarious and adorable. Of course I'm aware I'm shooting myself in the foot so to say because they are annoying little toys. Since they are cheap I figure I have enough little animals to replace them when they break. I'll let her keep one at a time and put the rest up until a replacement is needed. For one day though she'll have 10 Beowing type toys all running around the back yard with her and she can pretend they are real animals she can laugh with. I'm really excited for her birthday because I know she'll be so happy and it will be hilarious watching her with all those animals.

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The first is always the most special. She'll remember Beower forever! This birthday will be a blast for her. Remember the birthday is about her and not whether or not she has a huge party with hoards of people. What she will remember is the people closest to her giving her their love and attention on her special day.

Oh I know. I do feel sad because my family isn't close anymore and a lot of the older ones have passed on so Little Rabbit won't get to experience "family" like I did as a kid. I do wish there were more family members to enjoy her but those of us still here love her to pieces. She'll have a great time. She's a happy girl.

You can make a new family...family is who you make it to be. When we moved to Central America, there were only four of us. Now we have lots of "extended family" here!

Ur idea of bringing beowner was gud marxrab.now the cat pair looks so awesome i thing ur daughter is so happy by ur decision .me also felt sad after beowner went into rain and did not work for couple of days but nice thing is later it was alive .her presence made us feel joy.thanks for sharing marxrab.

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed my story!

"Only three weeks old, Beower has been through a lot"

This is hilarious ^______^

It reminds me of my rag doll, which my mother bought me. My mother told me that the doll's appearance deviated from cleanliness after a few weeks :))

But it did not bother me completely and my mother had fun, that among all the toys, I loved to walk and pull my rag dolls behind me :)))

Awww. I bet it was adorable for your mom to see you dragging your rag dolls around. I think Beower starting looking aged and dirty by day 3 lol. It's so interesting to see which toys kids gravitate to and hold onto as favorites.

Indeed my dear. Glad that I could share :)

Glad it survived the rain! It must have been built fairly well, anyway.

The gift reminds me of when my sister and I both had summer jobs at Wal-Mart as youngsters. She worked in toys and I in electronics. One day, while c losing the store (ours closed!) she stopped by electronics and said I had to see something. We rounded a corner in toys, where she proceded to grab an entire box of little squishy ball things and drop it on the floor. There was this insanely loud chorus of evil laughter! It turns out that each little ball laughs maniacally on impact!

Hopefully, your box of electronic creatures goes over well. Did you get yourself a pair of ear plugs? :-)

It survived the rain but it's little motor finally died today. Glad I ordered a second one. I figured the rain might have weakened it a tad. I didn't get earplugs.I figured out how to break the heads on purpose to stop the head from hitting the squeaker lol. If they get too annoying I'll just break some heads :)

That's a hilarious story. lol. I remember having these beanie baby ball things where when you dropped them they'd say "oh no!." It was always fun dropping them over and over so you'd hear "oh no!" and doing it to drive my siblings crazy.

The first one will always be the best one. You really get attached to the original one. I doubt that a replacement will be the same. I say that because I've been through different circumstances that were very similar.

I remember that age.

Having said that, a room full of them would probably be pretty cool.

Bet she'll be talking before too long.

I know. The first one is starting to fall apart though. The "fur" is coming unglued from the body. I'm just glad she's so young because I can swap it out with a new one and she'll never notice. I'll keep the first cat always though in a baby box of keepsakes once it's too worn for her to play with.

I also can't wait for her to start talking. She says some words now but no sentences. I'm still waiting for her to call my mommy. She calls me daddy...can't grasp the word mommy though. lol

Rafa and Beower make a very handsome pair @marxrab You must have been very relieved to find the toy survived a night in the rain. I'm sure whatever you plan for your daughter's birthday it will enjoyale for everyone. I hope we get to see some photos of the special occasion.

I was relieved but sadly the toy died today. Thankfully, we got a replacement in the mail today too so she still have her Beower. I'll be snapping lots of pics for her birthday. I'm excited for it.

You are a very organised mother @marxrab I hope you all have a very special day on your daughter's birthday.

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