"I Hope You Never Get The Electric Chair"

in #funny7 years ago

The other day I heard my husband randomly say to our 6 month old daughter "I hope you never get the electric chair." I was in the room next to the one they were in and I busted out laughing at the absurdity of his comment. He heard me laughing then starting laughing himself. He told me he was reading the news and all he saw were headlines about people committing horrible crimes and hurting other people. He said that he hoped our daughter grew up to be a good person and did a lot of good in the world.

(Picture: Our baby's beautiful, innocent blue eyes)

I think a lot of parents wish that for their kids. When you have a tiny little baby in your arms, all you can do is wonder what their life will be like when they grow up. You wish the best for them and hope that they will grow up to change the world for the better.
My husband had to do a paper for college on mountaintop removal and the coal industry and he said to our lil baby "I hope you're never responsible for ending the lives of people, poisoning their water, or destroying nature....I would have failed as a parent if you did that." We're both determined to teach our daughter good morals and to guide her in the best ways we know how.

I'm sure our girl will never get the electric chair. She has two good parents who have never been arrested or involved in anything shady. You never know where your child's life will lead them though. I never thought I would take the journey I took to where I am now. My little girl's fate is unknown but that is part of the fun of being a parent...dreaming of all the adventures she will have in her life. I hope she has the most wonderful adventures...

Picture: My own adventure on a trip to Louisiana where I saw alligators in the waters of the picture.


Beautiful little baby! My son went to university this year. An extremely terrifying experience for any parent.

upvoted! sure it's something every parent wishes for their child.. even better if we could get rid of that archaic form of punishment, as the state shouldn't be allowed to determine who lives and who dies.. especially seeing as so many have been shown to be wrongfully convicted who are on death row:)

Very good point. Many innocent people have been sentenced to the death penalty. I think some who do truly evil acts deserve it (mass killers; terrorists). I hope my child grows up a good person. Thanks for the upvote.

revenge is easy, forgiveness is a lot harder. Speaking of mass killers/terrorists the state is guilty of those actions themselves so should they really be in the business of deciding the fate for others? don't think so :p

True. The government is a corrupt entity and is guilty of the same crimes. Plenty of innocent people are killed in wars that benefit the elites by gaining them wealth and power. I guess I don't have a good alternative punishment though for individuals who kill lots of people without remorse...the truly guilty ones and not the ones arrested who are innocent. A better system needs to be developed.

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