Best time to steal a bank

in #funny7 years ago

 A story about a man who stole six banks in New Jersey and chose on Thursday only to carry out these robberies! "There is no reason behind this particular day," the Associated Press news agency said in an article on the news. The man might have learned something about how the banks did their  work; his own fortune teller had told him Thursday was full of luck; it  was simply because Thursday was the right day for his other schedule.

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However,  that story reminded me of a story I heard about an Iowa banker named  Bernice Jagger who had been arrested in 1961 for misappropriation of  more than $ 2 million over several years. Her property belonged to her  father. Berenice  was known for her generosity in Hatemi, where she often gave that money  to others, and after her arrest the bank went bankrupt! After five years in prison, she was released and moved to live with her parents, who seemed to be tolerant.

Jagger appeared cumbersome at the time she was arrested, why? Because she never took leave! This was the key to solving the mystery of her crime. This  story was told to me by a policeman from Sioux, an industrial  commercial city northwest of Iowa near the Grand Sioux River, and  although I could not confirm the details, the reason I did not take  leave was to keep two sets of records, By having another alternative employee discover their misappropriations. The  most surprising part, according to the policeman's account, was that,  after the prison, Jaeger went to work with an agency that monitors  banking operations to help prevent embezzlement. Her biggest contribution was to find employees who had spent a lot of  time without permits. This criterion proved its predictive strength in  stopping the expected misappropriations.

I  wish I could get more details, and I also wish I knew how true this  story is, but the meaning is: as teachers cheat or Sumo wrestlers  collude, people who steal money from banks sometimes leave behind  stereotypical indicators of their crimes and uncover them - On vacations or a series of robberies on Thursday specifically - and that makes us point fingers at them.

All of these stories made me interested in bank robbery statistics in  general, Thursday may have been the best day to steal a bank, but does  this apply to every bank?

According  to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), about 5,000 robberies are  carried out annually on banks in the United States. Friday  was the busiest day for bank robbers (while the number of robberies was  relatively low on weekends), with 1,042 bank robberies on a yearly  basis; Tuesday followed by 922 transactions, followed by 885 on  Thursday, followed by 858 on Monday, Followed by Wednesday with 842 operations. There is, however, no evidence that one day is considered more likely to be stolen.

These  statistics also show that burglars are not good enough to increase  their returns. In the morning, burglaries have more returns than the  theft of the afternoon ($ 5180 versus $ 3,705). However, thefts are  often in the afternoon. (Perhaps  because they are late in waking up every day, and perhaps if they are  able to wake up early and join a job, why should they steal banks?) And  generally bank robbers in the United States make gains of an average of $  4,120 when the process succeeds. But they do not always succeed as I thought: they are arrested in 35% of the cases! So the New Jersey burglar was performing ahead of time as he managed six thefts on Thursday.
On the other hand, bank robberies in the UK are almost the same, but burglars in the UK are making more money overall. Economists  Barry Riley, Neil Rickman and Robert Witt obtained data on bank  robberies from the British Bankers Association and analyzed it for  research in a scientific journal called Significance issued by the Royal  Society of Statistics. They found that the average return on operations  The theft from all banks - including unsuccessful operations - was almost thirty thousand dollars. The robberies of a group of thieves - as they have noticed - are getting returns that are more profitable! In general, the average return of theft was about eighteen thousand dollars per robber. This is higher than their American counterparts. But again, the likelihood of their arrest was very high. This  leads researchers to the conclusion that "the average returns of bank  robbery, frankly, ridiculous!" And "as a profitable function, the theft  of banks by the consequences of a lot to be desirable enough" 

 So if you want to know the best time to steal a bank, the answer to that question seems to indicate ... Never steal a bank. Except, of course, if you work in one of them! But, nevertheless, the sacrifice is too expensive to decide not to take any lifetime leave! 



well, mostly crimes happened for economic gains, your work is appreciative, wanna see more like this in future.

Grievous story

leave for a lifetime if we have to steal, and the time must be Thursday,
unique story.

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