YES, and...

in #funny6 years ago

Yesterday I faced a big fear...


I auditioned for a sketch comedy conservatory program! I often act in comedic works and as you know I run with whacky circus people, so you're probably thinking- why the heck is that so scary?

Well, like any industry there are so many pockets and little cliques that may be under the same umbrella of entertainment but they don't necessarily overlap. Even though I was a big improviser growing up, when I went to theatre school and trained as a circus artist I wasn't practicing improv and sketch as much any more. And eventually not at all.

While I've been in great productions and make my living as an artist and am living a life I truly love I have had this nagging feeling that something was missing....

So when my 29th birthday rolled around last Friday I said out loud my dreams of doing more sketch, more comedy and finding ways to make the world laugh. And when you put your dreams out LOUD AND CLEAR into the universe you better prepare yourself to actually get what you wish for...


What do I discover only a couple days later... an audition for the top sketch/improv comedy conservatory in my city. I knew in my guts I had to do it, I emailed right away begging for a spot because the auditions were...


I felt the butterflies in my belly and I kindly asked them to fly in formation. C'mon team, let's do this.

I had the audition and it was spectacular. Nothing to prepare before hand- just go in open, say YES and play with people I had never met before. It was a wild ride and when it was over I wished for more. I would love to get into the program, but even if I don't here's what I was reminded of...


1. YES AND: When you are given an offer in improv you say Yes, and. Practicing this in life is so important. Rather than just shutting down people's ideas what would happen if we calm our own ego and ride someone else's thought? Where could we go and what amazing NEW idea can we create as a team?

2. SMILE AT FEAR: When that little creeping sensation of fear or doubt or impostor syndrome comes up... SMILE AT IT. Literally, crack a smile on your face and it will let your nervous system calm down and help you relax. You can even WINK at it. Say "oh hey fear- I see ya there, I know you're here to protect me but wink I'm good right now, I'm on my path" It may sound silly, but it works. TRY IT! Say "yes and" right now while you read this.

3. OPEN YOUR HEART: I was working with people in the present moment yesterday who I had never met before. Rather than meeting them with any judgement or comparison I just opened my heart wide and let them in. And let me tell you- it was beautiful. Even if I never see those people again, it didn't drain me or cost me anything. And guess what- they did the same. I recognize it's part of my job as an actor to be open and vulnerable and I practice more than many people. But I'm still human and it's easy to forget in every day life to practice this vulnerability. I think we can all find ways to practice it in our lives and discover it as a strength rather than a weakness. You can also do this one literally at home- open your arms, take up space and take a moment to soak in the energetic properties of cracking wide open. It feels so good!!! Try it right now...yes and ;)


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