Battle Of The Evil Snoring Troll!

in #funny7 years ago


It was my last night in Barcelona, then 24 hours of travel. I was looking forward to a good nights sleep. The hostel I was staying at had horrible wifi so my last post took forever to make. Tired and totally tuckered out I headed for my bunk. I snuggled in and got cozy. Then as soon as I was about to fall asleep a very loud noise broke through my very effective ear plugs. Something bad was happening or someone was dying for sure. I sat up and pulled them out to have my ears assaulted with the loudest most annoying snore the world has ever beheld......


I looked to see a very small girl vibrating with the sheer force of the snore, it was horrible. Girls all around me where already starting to throw temper tantrums of frustration, which I understood but it was only adding to the noise. The room become a wild jungle before me. Filled with annoyed moans, pillow tossing and the evil snore. I am sure it was really a troll pretending to be a girl. It had to be.

I endured for an hour then I could take it no more.

I decided to go and look at the tv room for a possible spot to take a nap in hopes of recovering some sleep. I clunked down the stairs into the basement to find the tv room was occupied by some of the employees smoking hash. The door was locked. I was about to start crying when I spotted the man from the front desk. I ran up to him and quickly launched into a rant about the evil troll, snoring and begging to let me crash on the couch. By his blank stares at me I realized he did not speak English and was quite scared of me.

So desperate I started to try sign language.

It was like a bad not funny game of charades. I started out pretending to sleep, then sat up with a look of bewilderment. Then I pointed to a pretend person, then I leaped over to be that pretend person and began snoring loudly, like a chainsaw cutting down a sequoia tree. Then I leapt back to play me pulling out my ear plugs and crying "WHY!!!???" And proceeded to pretend to pull my hair out. Then I said with intense eye contact "I will be traveling for 24 HOURS, I NEED SLEEP!!!!" Then I collapsed into the sofa with all the exerted energy.

He said he understood and would move me to another room. I said thank you with a flood of gratitude, he tried to get as much distance from me as possible.

I got my new key and held it triumphantly over my head, shining in glory and looking forward to sleep. I tip toed into my new room, slipped into my new bunk grinning like crazy. Got cozy, and started to fall asleep, when.....


A new evil troll was in this room, this time alternating snores with chokes.

I gave up and went back to the first troll room, at least it had all my stuff in it.

I am now in the Icelandic airport, for the next 24 hours. I am going to try to catch up on my sleep, as long as there are no trolls here.


Wait..... What????




If you can't beat them, join them.


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You're in Iceland girl, there are trolls everywhere hahaha!
But Oh My God, what an adventure.... I hate it when people mess up with my sleep, so I totally get you...
I hope you'll get some rest home - it took me more than 2 days to get back to my standard rhythm here in Copenhagen...

I know I just woke up and am really out of it! I love the local folklore on trolls in this part of the world. It is really special when a place still believes in fairies and trolls with compete unquestioned belif. They have road signs here telling people to be carful of them in places, evem moved roads to appese them. Wish I could have made it into town. Next time.

I have a hard time with prolonged periods of no sleep, looking forward to some sleep and normalicy when i get home. Thanks for reading @meanmommy33 <3

They have them a lot in Northern Scandinavia (not as much here in Denmark) ! I love them!!! And last summer I went to the mountains in Trolltunga, Norway, which actually means the Troll's tongue :D
I'm still not 100% ok from SteemFest so I totally get you... :/
By the way, I mentioned you at my last post - don't know if notifications work. It's about a new project of mine, Women on Steemit and in Crypto ;) Check it out and tell me what you think!!! <3

Oh really! I am honored, will take a look now <3

Wow. Iceland airport ROCKS!

Sorry about the trolls. I know your pain. I went on a field trip for my degree and got bunked with a guy who snored awfully. There were no other rooms and that whole week I got more and more irritable through lack of sleep. I know they can't help it just can't stop hating them!

Hope the lounge in Iceland treats you a little better.

The airport is really cool, the troll statues are new. I didn't see them two weeks ago. There is also some amazing super hero mosaic murals as well. Lack of sleep does make you grumpy, maybe I was the one that become a troll?......

I got to catch up on some sleep at the arrivals. Thanks for reading.

Ah yes, now I remember why travelling wears me out. I have this thing. It is called repressive memory. ;)

Me too! It doesn't always serves us well.... lol, I would still throw myself into these situations even if I did remember. Guess My mind is just trying to be genital. Thanks for reading :)

By the way I LOVE the Iceland airport!

Me too! Great water for free and vast snowy landscapes all around. Thanks for reading my blog!

Great post my dear friend!! Congratulations very original!

Thank you for reading it! I appreciate the compliment, I always aim for originality. Hope you are having a fantastic day.

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