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RE: Haffanower: The Completely Fukt Edition

in #funny7 years ago

In which we discover that @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself was once known merely as "@nonameslefttouse the writer himself".

Whew! That took some time to read. A dog named Kitty, a rant about the FBI, and a bunch of people high on mushrooms running over Barney the Dinosaur. This series has had it all. RIP. It was years months Haffanower ahead of its time.

Thanks for dredging it up for us newcomers to enjoy. :)


I knew it was awesome. Is awesome. I put it here for both the old fans and you new folks to enjoy, one last time. And yes, my character has grown as well. It's also branched off into many different things. This Man, for instance. The series was far ahead of it's time, especially here on Steemit. About half way through, another unrelated post was attacked with flags due to the profanity(I assume) and that nearly stunted my creative growth. I'm glad it actually had the opposite effect. There's so much history there. So much work. Oh well... live and learn!

Speaking of history, I noticed, too, that this was the first appearance of your avatar! I was like hey-- that looks familiar! I was always wondering if you made it, considering that it looks so much different from your other artwork. I have my answer now!

Near the end of this series was when I took the plunge and upgraded my technology. I couldn't do much with what I had initially. It was just a piece of shit free program that didn't emulate actual physical art techniques worth a shit. And yup, there's my avatar, giving everyone a blank stare the entire time.. LOL!

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