Wrath of Life - 10 Ways to Annoy Your Parents

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

                                 Ten ways to annoy your parents


There are many hilarious ways of infuriating your parents. Most kids have used these tricks, and it worked as their parents got angry because of their actions. You may do other things that will annoy them yet you did unknowingly. Sometimes it seems fun to most kids as they would perform this to get favors or good stuff from their parents. It makes them furious, and all they want is to do away with the situation. 

1. Embarrassing them in public: Most parents wouldn't want to raise attention in public. You can do this by begging for pieces of stuff and other cute things you come across. Another way is picking up unnecessary things in the malls and other places they may go shopping with you. Talking to different people and asking them about crazy things will also embarrass your parents as people will always be looking at them.  

2. Using annoying words or language: This trick may seem funny, but it does get on their nerves. Most kids would call their parents with their real names such as "Angela" instead of "Mom." They do not usually feel comfortable and term that as being rude. You can also pretend not to hear what they say and always be asking them to repeat.  

3. Letting them do your homework: Most parents would always like to sit down with their kids and assist them with their homework. Try make this fun by leaving them to do everything for you even if you know what should be done. All they would be thinking of is why you know nothing yet you go to school every day. 

4. Failing to complete all your chores: Another way of making your parents upset is by leaving some tasks undone or incomplete such as forgetting to wash all the clothes or dishes. Keeping your room dirty and always expecting them to clean it up for you. Always complaining about the work being difficult however simple it seems. Having done this, you will be failing in your chores becoming a bother to them.  

5. Bad eating habits: Most parents would always want their kids to grow up with table manners. You can annoy them by eating while frequently allowing food particles to drop out of your mouth. It can also be embarrassing especially in public. Being corrected and failing to adhere to their concerns will make them more upset.  

6. Frequent pranks: Most parents would always freak out on certain kinds of jokes, and would mostly get annoyed when they realize it was meant to piss them off. You can try this by pretending you have fainted and wait till they are about to take you to the hospital then burst out. Sometimes you can make a prank phone call or just pretend that something serious has happened.        

7. Hiding most of their important things: It might be a little weird but makes parents angry. It involves keeping other things from their reach such as the car key, hiding one shoe, and mobile phones. The TV remote can push them to use manual controls once kept out of their reach. Parents will become angry once they realize you were keeping the lost stuff in the house. 

8. Doing things the opposite way: You can annoy your parents by wearing clothes inside out, increasing the volume of the TV instead of reducing it, bringing them different things from the ones requested. It will portray you as a poor listener, and they get upset with everything you do as it is always opposite of the intended action.  

9. Asking for unnecessary things: Sometimes you can just ask them to buy you books that are related to different topics. Keep piling them up in your room without reading them. You can also ask to be purchased a variety of stuff such as painting materials and other irrelevant things, always giving an excuse on how important they are in your assignments. 

10. Talking about honest things in an insulting way: Kids are usually keen on certain issues, and they often say what they see. There are legitimate ways of making your parents angry such as looking directly on their face and telling them that they are too old. Sometimes your parents may be dressed up so neatly, but you say how much their dressing code looks ugly. Doing this while showing a twisted expression in your face annoys them, as they do not expect such comments from their kids.    

Conclusion Most parents usually differ in response towards their kids' actions. Some of them would always be keen on every move you perform and correct you in a polite way. Others may be furious with everything and will always be shouting at you whenever you do something that gets on their nerves. Keep in mind that all these actions make them upset and would always be visible from their facial expressions.  



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Image source:

1) https://pixabay.com/en/anger-angry-bad-burn-dangerous-18658/

2) https://pixabay.com/en/collaboration-collaborator-book-1106196/

3) https://pixabay.com/en/ape-branch-banana-animal-peeled-44564/

4) https://pixabay.com/en/hand-asking-offering-1620466/

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