Lucky idiot!

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

So I am currently staying at a hotel and after going to the gym I come back to my room and see this.


Wow they actually folded my cloth! I am a messy hotel guest and cloths were all over when i left, floor bed and bathroom.

I rarely get that nice of a room service.

Then I turn around and find this:

WTF the wallet is full of bens. loose hundy bills, there for the taking.

I am at a casino and I am sure this happens a lot here. But how hard must it be for someone that earns minimum wage to see all this loose cash and not want to take some.

I counted the money and it looks like she did not steal any!

I left my room to hunt her down. She was cleaning another room and I handed her a $20 bill and said:

„Thank you for for not stealing my money!“

what silly thing have You done lately?

Have you done something this silly lately and gotton away with it? Would love to hear your story! Share it in the comments and earn a bounty.


She was an amazing maid and you were also very amazing.
What silly thing have I done? I guess I have a tendency to do huge weird things...

One of the most recent was late fall 2016 when I was in a bad situation with my daughters and took a risk in being homeless for two months. At the end of this, I had to move several states away to our new home.

But, apparently, I moved to Wyoming to get married, because less than six months later, I'd met the man that I married only ten months after I moved to Wyoming! So far, I seem to have gotten away with it - we're definitely happier as a family than we were alone.

I'm in a casino and I'm sure this happens a lot here. But how hard it must be for someone earning a minimum wage to see all this cash and not want to take it.

A really nice action! many people are full of values and respect, no doubt one of them touched your room, although he did the right thing, we don't usually have this kind of luck! surely your gesture of gratitude made her feel a happy day.
My mother suffered a small accident a few days ago, she is almost 80 years old and was alone in the center of the city, she fell down and has a big wound on her face, she took a taxi as she could and managed to get to the doctor's office, in her nerves she forgot to pay the taxi driver, luckily and by chance I met the man who helped my mother! I could not believe that I could thank you in person for your gesture, I also used everything I had in my wallet and gave it to you as a token of my gratitude and to pay for the damage done.

Wow, thats a cool story. You were lucky!
I remember when i was in vacation with my girlfriend. In Spain a few years ago. The Roomservice did a great job, but we are the people who clean the room before the roomcleaner comes (german style).
One day we did'nt want to clean up and we did hang the shield on the door "please don't disturb". We left the room for going to the beach and we believed that the roomcleaners would skip ouer messy room. But they didn't....they cleaned the room while we were away...and it was so fucking chaotic.... I was so embarrassing. We left a big tip the other day :P

Glad nothing happened. Of course money is always important but losing the cards will be the bigger pain.

I forgot to take out my keys out of the entrance door lock of my apartment when I came back and left them there over night. Usually I carry my daughter and some bags, so I hurry to put everything down.

I’m glad nobody abused that situation, quite a scary thought what could had happened. Big warning to be more careful

I once lost my wallet in a public transport bus. When I realized, the bus already made 2-3 lines until it (again) came back to my stop. I went in and the wallet was - as I stand here - still on the seat and still everything inside. Luck or good people, we ll never know! :)

You see there are still the good ones walking this earth. And she’s one.
Well a silly thing I did lately kinda similar to this . I went for a public boat ride and left my iPad in the lounge. Yeah I left it and I was away for 3 hours, when I remembered I thought it was gone and when I got there I met it just exactly where I left it. I guess it was my lucky day .

She is a good person.

Back in the university, I saw a phone on the floor and picked it up. It was a lecturer's set and it took her over 5 hours to notice she misplaced her phone. She called the number and I answered and met her at the school to return the phone.

She offered me cash to thank me but I refused it. I was broke then and needed money but still refused her money. Silly me

Few years ago I left my wallet in the toilet room in the company I worked for. A colleague of mine brought the wallet back to me couple of hours later. I was not even aware of the fact that I left it there.

I guess when we visit hotels, we wrongly and unjustly think that room service personel will steal something in our rooms.

That's nice of the hotel person to fold your clothes and leave your money untouched. Usually most women who clean hotel rooms are under a catholic faith so they don't believe in stealing. Also, this probably isn't the first time that this has happened. They took the better long term strategy. They got tipped well, did their jobs, and kept integrity!

A similar story with me when I lost my wallet: I realized after many hours of searching that I had dropped my wallet somewhere in a parking lot near one of campus buildings in college. At the last minute before giving up I went to the commons office and asked if anyone had returned anything to the lost and found, and someone had returned my wallet unscathed. I never found out who returned it or else I would of given a reward. A year later a similar situation happened and I found someone's wallet loaded with credit cards and cash, and I returned it knowing that person would be just as relieved as I would!

I once found a wallet here in Japan full with money and cards too. It was Saturday and I took it to the closest Koban (tiny local police station, but always open) and handed it in.
The made me wait while the were going trough it and documented every piece and card. It took me about 90 minutes before I could leave. It felt like a punishment for me for being nice but giving them something to do.

Next time I will just drop it into the mail box there or similar, to avoid the hustle.

Casino maids probably know if they make it obvious they didnt steal from you and they do a good job that youll tip them lol.

Last week i was lost Driving to the store after smoking some weed, when i was flagged down by a cop (uh oh). sweating bullets i roll down the window and lo an behold the guy ignores the pungent cannabis smell and asks for a ride to work (the station)! I was think hes gonna take me to jail in my own car!! We got to the station and the cop tips me!!

Coolest cop i've ever met. paid for my munchies!

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