
Howdy sir joelsegovia! I am so glad you like it, thanks for the kind words. I haven't heard anything about your country for a long time, are there any changes for the better or is it still highly unstable?

In our particular case is usually no news = good news. I have found a job that allows me to have sufficient income to cover my family's basic expenses, but the trade off is that I have not much time left to be here on Steem.

Howdy today sir joelsegovia! Well, with the price of Steem so low it is hard to earn much here anyway right? When and if the price rises then it will be a different story. But I am glad that you have a job! Is it that warehouse job?

Not exactly at the warehouse, but it's somehow related to that previous job. I sometimes do translations, sometimes I go to meetings and do live translation, sometimes just some paperwork, so on...

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