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RE: One Night Stand!

in #funny7 years ago

Haha! Robot porn would be one of the weirdest things to see for sure haha I actually code AI, so that's going to be something on my list for sure. With the current manufacturing process though, I don't think that's a possibility, unless you count 3D printing as a sort of birth mechanism for machines.


Haha! Robot porn would be one of the weirdest things to see for sure haha

Haha yeah with the nuts of bolts like bonging it would be super weird, maybe make a simulation to even try to imagine! But maybe we can put human minds in as robots, not sure what that should be called robots or advanced immortal humans anyway that will happen in the future.

I actually code AI, so that's going to be something on my list for sure.

Wow that's cool, I didn't knew that.
I know some little concepts of neural networking and some theories behind in sudo code terms. But I haven't put the time and effort to grasp it all in. But I want to sometime in the future.
I'm also a programmer, I mostly do cross platform developments.

With the current manufacturing process though, I don't think that's a possibility, unless you count 3D printing as a sort of birth mechanism for machines.

Yeah that for sure, technology is advancing at exponential rate and soon we will have things that would had been impossible in the 90s, well I'm thinking of things like nano bots, bio technology, nano technology, haha you got me.

That's great! I've recently switched over to React Native, so cross platform is my jam recently.

Nano tech is another great outlet for robot porn. Though I don't think it won't be that fun to watch haha!

Yeah react is a very powerful API, I haven't had much experience with react also web development. I'm more on the side of mobile development.

I go full native if the cross platform APIs are not that great, I crave for quality.

Really nano tech would be very small and powerful. If someone had fetishes like beastiality they would enjoy believe me. 😂 BDSM will be a whole new level. 😂

React Native is actually completely mobile. I did come from ReactJS before going there though, and I've had previous Android experience. Have you had the chance to use Kotlin?

That's cool, I haven't had so much wide experience in those JS libraries yet bcz I didn't had to work much on them.

I've had native Android development on Java before but I didn't had the use of Kotlin yet but I will look forward to how well it performs if I need to in the future.

On the cross platform development side I had been using C# for a long time.

I'm also more on the game development side.

Haha I haven't really gotten into game development. But, that's the same thing I've said about web then mobile years ago. I'm sure I'll be a game dev by next year haha!

Game development is not that hard, if you have passion for it then you will really enjoy it. 😊

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