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RE: Today We Give Thanks..

in #funny6 years ago

the Egyptians?? I'm surprised it wasn't the Chinese!
that sounds very smart though. When I was a kid one of our old neighbors who was also a farmer had this old, ancient, funny looking old water jug. We had the plastic kind of course.

But he had this old jug that was just a one gallon glass jug and it was wrapped in brown rough cloth like what we used to call a gunny sack, not sure why but that's what we called them, used to buy seeds or grain in those types of old cloth sacks. like sack cloth! ha.

anyways all he did was wet down those thick layers of cloth and the evaporation would keep it cool all day. where ours, once the ice ran out it got hot! plus, he could always recharge his by re-soaking the jug.

same principle as what those Egyptians were doing, pretty clever.


Indeed! Water is the most amazing and versatile substance imaginable.

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