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RE: Today We Give Thanks..

in #funny6 years ago

hey @coinsandchains! ahhh! another redneck! I like that, I knew there had to be some more out there. but your office job isn't typical for a redneck is it? I mean it's not in a formal office so that helps, you work out of your home right?
but you do live up in the mountains which really lends itself to being a probable redneck. lol good to see another redneck on here. but I bet you're a gentleman redneck like myself.


Well, let's put it this way, I'm half Texan and half Georgian, I live in the mountains about 5 miles from NC. If you've ever seen the movie Deliverance, they filmed it about 30 minutes from my house. As many people would say around here, "that thar delivunce movie h'aint no joke h'its real"
I've been a Chief Information Officer at a small hospital system before and you are right red neck does not typically cut it in a position like that. It's easier working from home, except most of my contracts at the moment are larger hospitals in PA, NJ. I finished a contract at SMC in San Angelo TX in February. I try to control my accent a bit, but sometimes I just slide into a little hillbilly slang just to see how people react. I guess Hi-tech-redneck.
I hope that I am a gentleman redneck. The kind that stands up when a lady walks in, or holds a door for them, whether they like it or not. The kind who doesn't think it degrading, it's just respectful.

howdy back @coinsandchains! oh my, a verified redneck! lol! I seen the movie Deliverance of course. wow. You are definitely a gentleman, hi-tech redneck! the first thing my wife noticed when we moved here from Ohio, I'm not from Ohio I grew up near Dodge City, KS but we were in OH and she noticed how polite and respectful all the men around here are, it's totally different than up North so that's very true.

Is your work interesting? it sounds like it might be.
thanks so much for getting back to me!

I'm one of the lucky people, I actually love my job. Basically, my hobby since I was little, became my job. Literally, I would and have done similar stuff for free just for fun.
Most of my work is with hospitals, either converting systems or helping them make systems work together/more efficiently.
I ended up landing a paid advisory position with a healthcare blockchain startup, that I'm pretty excited about. lol, I told my wife "holy cow, my name is in a companies White Paper" (she doesn't do crypto so it meant nothing) I also have a meeting later this month with two of the largest Artificial Intelligence companies in the world for a design brainstorming session, which I'm very excited about, but can't really talk about because of Non-Disclosure Agreements.
So Yes I think it's interesting and I'm blessed beyond measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.

wow wow wow! @coinsandchains! this is so exciting! that's so funny that you excited tell your wife and she's like.."that's nice dear." lol.

The news about the healthcare blockchain and the 2 AI companies is over the top man! jeez . Praise God!
this should be very interesting to follow even if you can't give
details. hey, my wife is interested in investing in blockchain companies but we have no idea how to do that, do you?

Like this healthcare blockchain, that could be a good investment.
thank you sir, this is a great comment and I'm thrilled for you, please keep in touch and let me know how this goes.
God bless you guys over there!

Well. It's tough to invest in a blockchain company when you are a US citizen. Most companies if they are outside the US will not allow us to invest. Then the ones in the US if you don't catch their crowd finding round, you have to be an accredited investor.
I'm thinking of writing a post on it and asking for ideas etc.
There are a couple crowd/ico sites that are good to check. The important thing with these early stage companies, do not invest anything that you cannot afford to lose. 95% will fail, and most of the time you will not recoupe your investment when they do.
Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, I'm typing it on my phone from the airport.

howdy back to ya @coinsandchains! thanks so much for getting back to me and I think there's only one minor spelling mistake!

thanks for the information! where are you flying to?
rednecks don't do much flyin don't ya know? lol

Picking up my youngest daughter, she just got in from a mission trip to Uganda. She's all excited and said she has loads of pictures I can post. I think this is one of her favorites. This is at a conservation facility/zoo close to the school and area they were helping in. They actually let them get behind the scenes and up close to a lot of the animals. (I'm kind of jealous)


oh my gosh coinsandchains that is so cool!
and what a great experience for your daughter.. man..

it's funny that I just met a lady on Steemit today from Uganda, username is mirrors and I was asking her about Uganda, the government and stuff like that. those are going to be some great post photos! that is too awesome!

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