More Redneck Warning Signs!

in #funny6 years ago

Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

I put together a post with humorous signs a few months ago and wanted
to revisit that topic with a few more that I found since then. From what I
understand most of them are from Ireland but I'm not sure, you'll have
to ask @blanchy about that.

One thing is for sure, we need signs like this to keep us safe because it's
a dangerous world out there! I think you'll agree once you see them.

I hope some of these put a smile on your face, they sure did mine!
There isn't a source for these, almost all were from peoples facebook
pages but I've seen most of them all over the internet.

Thanks for stopping by folks, God bless you all!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck

ps- ya might just be a redneck if:

You have to go outside to get something out of the 'fridge!



Too funny! I think this expands beyond redneck though. My kids and I laugh every time we go to Wholefoods and see the fish with a sign that says, "Contains Fish". I took a picture of it and have it somewhere - but I'll snap another one because apparently this is an ongoing 'policy' across many stores.

I think that old laws on the books are also funny ;)

Hope you're having a wonderful day!


howdy there youhavewings! I have been wondering how you guys fared from the hurricane rains, how did that go and did it just rain alot and knock the electric and internet out or did you have storm damage?

I'm glad this post made you laugh or at least smile, it's hard to believe they actually put some of these out, even Whole Foods huh?
thanks for reading and commenting, it's good to hear from you!

Missed us by a slim 10 miles, @janton We had one tree come down and some parts of the city are still flooding from the extra water in the rivers. We live on a pond and that even seemed to fare quite well.

Nice to chat with ya again.....always look forward to our conversations. I think my mana is low so probably going to keep the commenting at a minimum until it gets better :( boohoo

Enjoy your day!

Oh I'm so glad to hear that you didn't have a bunch of damage, did you lose power? Oh I shouldn't have asked that because you probably can't reply! lol. this is my last comment for hours, I've only been able to comment about 7 or 8 times a day!
until next time...have a great weekend!

These signs are hilarious, great post! ;)

well howdy there enosh and thank you for reading and commenting! Yes I think they're absolutely nuts lol. I wonder if they have signs like that in Pennsylvania?

I don't know but im gonna start looking for them now.

howdy again sir enosh! hey when and if you see stupid signs be sure and get photos of them! lol.

Haha, those are quite entertaining!

haha! howdy there violetmed! aren't these something? I suppose you see signs like this in your neighborhood?

What about all of them?

They're great.

hahaha yes sir oldtimer they are! I doubt if they have crazy signs like this in Slovenia do they? People in some countries have common sense! thanks so much for reading and commenting sir!

This is what happens when we rely on the public school system to teach the kids. We need signs like these.

ahaha! that's very good hebrewhousewife! very funny indeed...until I stop and think about it and realize it's true. I guess you guys are homeschooling? lol. what a dumb question. well unless you know a good private school. might have to sell some land to pay for it though!

Yup, I'm homeschooling. I don’t care for the Catholic private school that’s nearby. Nope, I’m sure picky when it comes to what my children are taught.

I know. great job you!

I needed this....a good laugh.

haha! howdy there annephilbrick! well I'm so glad you got a laugh out of them, thank you for commenting!

Thanks. Definitely got a chuckle.
As far as outside refrigeration...could just plain white trash be included in that?
Trailer parks I have lived in had outside coolers as a staple. They instigated all kinds of social interaction.

haha! yes sir roundhere! yeah they are great for that aren't they" especially when they're stocked with beer! Most plain white trash are rednecks anyway lol.
thanks for reading and commenting sir!

So the moral of this post is:
There is a duck fetish culture, where cops steal your stuff, the crooked cats are at the door waiting to get in out of the water so they can breathe easier and have some peanuts on the second floor while sitting next to the fire. Ridding crocodiles is a new sport, electrifying. 600lb fat lady's like milk. If you don't die they fine you. The bottomless pit is not so deep after all. Signs are posted to confuse you. Squirrels like their nuts uncovered. Some cows are invisible...maybe that's where water comes from as I suppose invisible cows have clear milk and we just call it water. There's more to pizza that meets the eye and roads mysteriously get wet every time it rains.

I get it. Life is upside down.

ahahaha! howdy there spozone! that is too funny! thanks so much for that explanation, and for taking the time to give that to us! lol.

It's horrible to realize every one of those insanely stupid warning signs were put up because some dumb shit, or shits, did all of those things.

hahaha! sir madgoat I didn't even think of it that way but that is true! lol. like someone trying to use the milk cooler as an exit! lol. thanks for a great point!

Or someone thought it would be a good idea to sit on a crocodile?

hahaha! yes sir enosh, I guess someone must have tried to ride a dang crocodile! if that happened they had to have been drunk or high.

Ahahaha seriously what they were thinking when they made those signs!

ha! howdy there blacklux! oh come on, like they don't have signs like that in Puerto Rico? lol. Well apparently some of these were put up because people kept doing idiotic things like trying to ride alligators!

There are this type of signs everywhere hehe

really? I don't know what that means, either the people who put them up think everyone's an idiot or they have experience with too many people being idiots so they're trying to keep people safe!

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