What is so funny about knowing Jim Kotter? Oh... he said Gymkata. Huh?

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

While I sat and watched The Lego Batman Movie with my kids, the writers of the movie sat down next to me and tapped me on the shoulder. They said, "Hey Hanshotfirst, we wrote this next joke just for you. You are that special. We really hope you like it."

Dude what's so funny? He said "Gymkata"!

Ok that never happened. If those writers did say something about this joke it was probably, "Let's toss in a really obscure joke that only the tiniest demographic will get. We will add a reference that only the biggest dorks who were around 14 years old in 1985 will get. They have clearly grown up to be losers. The least we can do is throw them this bone. We will mention the movie GYMKATA!!!! And they will go nuts".

What idiot would see this poster and want to see the movie? ... Me.

Well the writers did mention Gymkata and go nuts I did. Just as Robin is about to attack some villains he says, "Don't worry, I know Gymkata". I was literally the only person in a packed theater laughing... but I laughed hard enough for all of us. It was brilliant!


Gymkata may be the worst movie I have ever seen.

The movie came out in 1985 when I was 14. When I was 14, I looked like I was 11 so I had to buy a ticket for another movie in order to sneak into this one. Too bad for the movie because if I was able to buy a ticket, I could have single-handedly pushed the domestic gross to $5,730, 600.

I think I'd be safe in saying that all 14 year olds are dumb and have terrible tastes. However, my stupidity and lack of good taste made other 14 year olds look like professional movie critics. I loved this movie as a kid. After seeing it in the theater, I rented it on Beta video tape at least 10 times.


There is no answer.

Looking back, I'd like to think it's because I realized how bad it was and I was just a little advanced when it came to teenage sarcasm. But in reality, I probably liked it.

Perhaps it was because of powerful dialogue like this, "For the next two months you are going to toughen your mind and your body. It will make your Olympic training look like finger painting."

How embarrassing.

You see, he's the good guy because he is wearing red, white and blue.

Gymkata stars real world Champion gymnast Kurt Thomas as Jonathan Cabot. Cabot is a patriotic Olympic Gold Medal winning gymnast. In order to set up a very important part of the Star Wars defense system, the U.S. needs to build a satellite monitoring station (I am not kidding). Apparently the only place on earth that can house this station is the tiny Middle Eastern country called Parmistan (apparently "Madeupistan" just would not do and Mozzarellaville was impossible to infiltrate).

Luckily Parmesan holds a deadly athletic competition called "The Game" (wow who ever came up with that name surely received a bonus!). Not only does the winner of "The Game" get to live, but he also gets one wish granted. Apparently, the only way that the U.S. can build their base is if someone wins "the Game" and wishes for the base to be built. (I'm not kidding)

Perhaps the Ninjas were at a disadvantage because they were too busy laughing to fight.

Who better to win a deadly athletic completion against Ninjas than an Olympic Gold winning gymnast? Perhaps a figure skater? Or maybe a synchronized swimming team? A curler? Why not just send in Chuck freaking Norris? No I guess a gymnast is the right choice. To add a little more motivation to Cabot, the government tells him the they attempted this once before, but the athlete was lost. Guess who that athlete was....

Cabot's father!

Cabot trains with some kind of martial arts masters in order to become the most nimble killing machine ever. In the matter of two short months, not only does cabot invent a new deadly martial art, he masters it. The name of this new Ninja defeating style... Gymkata! And believe me, it made his Olympic training seem like finger painting.

After 2 months of the training required to defeat an army of warriors who have trained since birth, Cabot ships out to Parmistan (spell check keeps changing this to parmesan). Once there, he has to save some Princess... for some reason. He does but that makes some other dude mad... for some reason. For the rest of the movie that other dude tries to cheat and undermine Cabot while he is playing "The Game". So not only does Cabot need to fight an army of Ninjas, now they get to cheat. Luckily he is a master of ... Gymkata!

"The Game" commences and Cabot does all sorts of crazy gymnast tricks. The only trick he has not learned is how to act. Kurt Thomas is simply brutal. He has the acting skills of a World Class gymnast who was just pulled off the street and handed a laughable script and... oh wait. That is exactly what he is. Never mind. Clearly not his fault.

This is Thomas' face throughout nearly the entire movie.
It is as if he is saying "Why am I in this?"

There is one laughable action scene after another. Eventually "The Game" ends. You would think that would be the end of the movie... but no! The princess leads a revolution against that dude. Do you know what she needs in order to win? You guessed it... a master of GYMKATA!!!!

The entire movie is filled with some of the stupidest scenes in the history of film. By far the worst, and the one I immediately think of when I hear the word 'Gymkata" involve the hero having to fight a huge group of warriors in the middle of a public square. Luckily for Cabot, you know what else is right in the middle of the public square?


In case you don't believe me, here is the scene (plus a horrible horrible bonus from a director who does not understand the importance of camera angles)...

If you have a lot of time on your hands and you'd like to see one of the worst movies in the history of time, I'm sure there are full versions of this available. But please, for the love of all that is good... do not spend any money on this. I would feel far too guilty if you did.

Although because it it is 75 minutes shorter, Gymkata it is still far better than Batman v Superman.

What is the worst movie you have ever seen?

Image Links 1, 2, 3, 4, 5



Don't give the movie away...

Everyone must watch Gymkata at least once in their lifetime as it STILL is...


even tho you spoiled the movie

Can anything really "spoil" Gymkata?

I am so happy other people have seen it. We can form our own little club here. Should we open up a Gymkata chat channel?

if you do it.. I'll do some random shit like he did in my favorite WTF? scene right here...

Like seriously bruh, "You Ok?"

That poor dude on the bike was like WTF?

If my enemy were on a stationary bar, you know what i would do? Not freaking run right into his feet. The dude is like 5'3" tall. Just stay 6 feet away and throw something at him... like a bike.

Oo snaps..lmao

I am still laughing. I may never stop!

I totally remember Gymkata. Reminds me of movies like China O'Brien and Only the Strong

Cloverfield it was terrible

WHAT?!?! NO!!
Any movie directed or produced by J.J. Abrams cannot be the "worst movie you have ever seen".
Except if you have seen a very small number of movies.

I like Cloverfield. I bought it in Blu Ray.

You probably have never seen Gigli, the movie that stopped the career of Martin Brest, who had directed

  • Beverly Hills Cop
  • Scent of a Woman
  • Meet Joe Black

Coverfield was a mess? No not a big film Watcher, I get really bored after 10 minutes then my attention wanders

Did you play the Alternate Reality Game?

Oh yeah Gigli was unwatchable!

I am going to go full dork mode here. Ok. Cloverfield was more than a movie. It was an "Alternate Reality Game". A few months before the movie opened, some websites went up that were supposed to be the companies in the movie (like Slusho). From there you could open up secret pages and follow links to try and find out what was going on in New York. It's hard to describe in the comments but there was so much backstory that was included in this "easter egg hunt" that it made the movie far more enjoyable. Being the dork I am, I played the game as thoroughly as possible. They did the same for 10 Cloverfield Lane. I do wish that they would have released a regular linear "monster attacks NYC" version of the movie without the shaky camera. There was rumors this would happen as Abrahams reminded the world that "other people had video cameras that night". I Enjoyed Cloverfield lane but would have preferred a straightforward retelling of Cloverfield. A quick egg in Cloverfield. There is footage of the couple on a date a while before the attack. Look at the sky in that video. Something falls from space. The monster? A meteor that awakens the monster?

I thought it was very amaturish just so shaky you couldn't see what was happening. It never grabbed me nor anyone I was watching it with, At the end we all said how disappointed we were.

Yeah I understand completely. They went for the first person character point of view. I tend not to like that either but I was so invested in the story leading up to it that I looked past it.

I couldn't get to grips wth it, it wasn't a film that kept you thinking I spent most my time wondering what was going on, it was too jumpy

Yeah I think if it weren't for all the "research" I did ahead of time I may have felt the same way.

If I had known more about where it was coming from I might have given it more of a chance. :)

1/ Say this in a Boston accent.

2/ You remain correct, Batman vs. Superman was terrible.

3/ have a look at my MOTD I put up on here today for a laugh, I owe you that much brother.

Excellent catch! That is exactly what i was going for in the title!

I am not the brightest bulb on the tree but I try hard. Thanks man!

Hey buddy

I was a last minute scramble to get on the show and get settled but here is the This Week in Bitcoin show that finished about an hour ago -- all 3 guests were Canadian which was a first for sure, for Adam's show! I have not been on a show of any sort in a long time, so I am finding my legs still LOL -- 40 mins approx. Discussed Liberty/Steemit/Bitcoin/LiteCoin etc.


  • Have a good weekend.

I voted it right away. I will have to listen to it in a little bit. That's awesome that you were on!

You have been a big help and encouragement to me, I wanted you to see it. I have not done any public stuff like this in quite awhile so I felt pretty rusty.

Holy crap I snarfed my drink! I remember this movie and I loved it when I was a kid! Okay...maybe I loved the fact that he could walk on his hands in those tiny, tiny shorts. LOL But seriously... doesn't every towne square have a pommel horse?
Hands down, the WORST movie I ever saw was Battlefield Earth. I definitely lost a shit-ton of brain cells on that one.

Excellent call!! Battlefield Earth was horrendous! The walking up the stairs on his hands was a huge part of his training? Why?! I am so happy you know this one. I knew I liked you for a reason!

To my memory if feels like we were inundated with gymnastics movies...or something with us vs. them competitive sport turned into life & death type movies. Remember Blood Sport? OMG, I LOVED that movie too.

Saw bloodsport in the theater as well.

There was this...

I have fond memories of this movie. I may have even had a Tiger Beat poster of Mitch. Yeah, I said Mitch. We were on a first name basis in my imagination... And... um... this is all hearsay.

Mitch Gaylord? LOL I don't know who I crushed on harder in my youth - him or Rick Springfield. Big, beautiful, dark hair, talented, gorgeous... No google needed. LOL

I had an older sister so I am well aware of Tiger Beat. Tell the truth did you instantly know his name or did you have to look it up?

"Mitch Gaylord? "

Just asked my wife. She knew instantly as well. LOL

ah yes, the village of the crazies... how could i forget

I'm so happy that others remember this. It was insane!

i think it was the first 'ninja' film i ever saw.. a few years later i found a ninjutsu teacher near me and the rest is history. :)

Seriously? Ninjutsu? That sounds awesome.

yes, there is still one traditional style school that has classes around the world. i was surprised to find one less than a mile from my home! its as if it was meant to be. obviously i am not a professional ninja - or i wouldn't be telling you this :)
here's a random collection of related videos: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bujinkan+ninjutsu

LOL. Or you would be telling me this from right behind me... and I wouldn't know it! What was that...

I was addicted to ninja movies in 1985. I think I singlehandedly kept the local video store in business by renting Sho Kosugi movies.

hehe.. i watched a lot too. i was particularly surprised to learn that some of what i thought was ridiculous over-acting and impossible moves are actually possible in real life.

Not if you are 45... lol

Like you, I saw Gymkata in the theater when I was 15. And like @ura-soul I started Bujinkan training because of all of those '80s ninja movies

I was really into American Ninja.. all 20 of them.. exaggerating, sorry think it was maybe 7

Yep some of my favorite for sure. Do you remember the TV show "The Master"?

I love Gymkata and want to see it again - it is so absurdly awful that it's brilliant unintentional comedy.
@hanshotfirst - recognize those first two words of this reply from the movie?

That is what that King keeps yelling!

What? Looks like my kinda B-movie xD. I haven't seen this before, and it should make up for a good movie night with some friends once I get my hands on it. I guess we're just into extremely terrible movies!

If you go into it with that attitude, you will love it!

Gerry, hands down. Starring Matt Damon and Casey Affleck, it is the longest most pointless two hours you will ever spend, do not waste your valuable time on that piece of crap haha!!

I don't even know that one. Looks like I'm lucky.

Yes you are! Two guys go to a party in the desert (first five minutes), get lost, and wander as they dehydrate. No fascinating dialogue, barely any talking at all in fact. No action until almost the very end where for no apparent reason one of them kills the other with a rock. That's the movie. The worst part is because of the well known actors you're absolutely certain it's leading to something, which is what keeps you watching it. My husband says if he ever meets Matt Damon he's going to give him one solid punch to the chin, say 'That's for Gerry,' and he's pretty sure Matt will nod and understand. LOL

Wow! I honestly have never even heard of that movie. That sounds awful. And it sound like your husband reacted exactly how I would. I get so involved in movies that I feel personally wronged when something is that bad.

Hahaha! As well you should! We invest our most valuable commodity in watching movies-time. There's almost nothing worse than having it wasted.

I was literally going to end that reply with "I don't even mind the money... it's the time that I want back". Wow we are completely on the same page.

Synchronicity. I'm pretty good at ferreting out kindred spirits ;) There's an ease of conversation with people I resonate with(That I'm on the same wavelength as I mean...does that sound hokey? lol)

Not hokey at all. I agree 100%

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