First There was Fake News, Now There is No News... Breaking News! Nothing Has Happened to Richard Simmons!

in #funny8 years ago

Because the average steemit community member was born in 1987, I am going to go out a limb and guess that many of you don't even know who Richard Simmons is.

I dare you to stare at this picture for 10 seconds. It will haunt your dreams!

Richard Simmons became famous in the 1980s for a series of workout video cassettes called "Sweating to the Oldies". He later went on to release other work out programs. One of his trademarks was speaking with people using the exercising program and crying with them. He'd hold their hands and hug them. He would say encouraging things. Then he would weep some more.

He had a very flamboyant personality and became a regular on David Letterman's late night talk shows. The interviews often ended with Richard Simmons being pranked by the host.

He also has a very unique sense of style.

Tony Horton eat you P90X heart out!

For the last week, every time I log onto the internet, I get an "update" about Richard Simmons.

In fact, today when I wanted to take a screen shot for this post here is what happened...

Screen Shot 2017-03-12 at 7.57.43 PM.png
Two letters ladies and gentlemen.
He is so popular right now that it only took two letters for Google to know what I needed... Google knows everything!

But back to these "updates". I had to use quotes because theses "updates" have consisted of stories reporting that nothing had happened to Richard Simmons.

There was even one story that said that the police were involved. Do you you what they turned up? NOTHING!

Do you know why?

Nothing happened to Richard freaking Simmons!

Please don't me wrong, I don't wish anything bad to happen to Richard Simmons. He seems like a jolly guy who wanted to help people to get healthy... and make millions of dollars in the process. Actually, I hope good things happen to him. I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to read about these good things, but I wish him well.

This guy isn't exactly a shrinking violet.
I'm sure if something noteworthy happens, he'll let us know.

I literally have not thought of Richard Simmons since the last time he was on David Letterman. Even then, my only thought was, "I wonder why David Letterman is still so interested in Richard Simmons"?

Is this a sign that we have moved on to the next stage of news? Have we gone from "fake news" to "no news"?

Should I be on the lookout for other reports of nothing happening to fringe stars of the 80s?

I did a little "research" that I may publish as "no news".

William Katt, who was the star of The Greatest American Hero, may or may not have gone grocery shopping this week.

Yeah I took 17 items to the express lane. What are you going to do about it?

Phoebe cates from Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Gremlins and several of my dreams I can never speak about in front of my mother, did not get out of a pool dripping wet and slowly saunter over to me while removing her bathing suit.

I am definitely not doing this right now.

Taco, who is responsible for "Putting on the Ritz" (Rolling Stone's 9th worst song of all time) is still trying hard to look like Gary Cooper. Super Duper!

Frankenstein's monster did a much better version (It's pronounced "fronk-en-steen"!)

Christian Laettner, former Duke basketball player and chest stomper, is still a douche.

Yeah people hate me because I go to Duke... it has nothing to do with me being a dirty player and complete asshat.

Do any of you have nothing to report about semi-famous people?

Please share in the comments below.


It remind me of some plaques that were put on some houses in Paris in 2001:

Here, on April 17th 1967, absolutely nothing happens.

Darn it! Paris beat us to the "no news" craze by a full 16 years.

Maybe we will have to try something else. Maybe "old news"?

Curses! That is just called "history".

Back to the drawing board.

"Smithers, release the robotic Richard Simmons!"

Damn I can't believe I forgot to include this. Thank you so much!!! I love this scene!

I met him!! He did a workout seminar at Ithaca College and my mother-in-law worships the ground he..prances on, LOL, so I surprised her with tickets and took her to see him. She got a hug and an autograph from him, she still says it was one of the best days of her life.
I had a blast too, to be honest, we did some sweating to the oldies, too fun :)

Edit: I was in my early twenties, so this was probably thirteen or fourteen years ago, but the guy NEVER changes.

That's awesome! I specifically avoided trying to make fun of the guy. He has a unique personality but he always seemed to mean well. But the reporting on nothing really made me laugh.

Oh he definitely means well, but I wasn't making fun of him when I said prances, he literally prances LOL! That was a great idea for a post!

Oh I see "prancing" as a positive. I hope I still feel like prancing when I'm 60!

Definitely! In fact, I'm going for Betty White in my Golden years ;)

lol this was a great post got a good kick out of it.. thumbs up my friend

Thanks! I keep following your music. I am thrilled you keep posting it here.!

@hanshotfirst, awesome post and Richard Simmons has aggravated since before 1980. Haven't watched letterman in years, but I remember watching him on the show.

Hi Brad. One of my favorite songs and movie scenes is when phoebe cates jumps in that pool

Steem On Dude!

Nice! Another child of the 70s. You can hardly blame poor Brad though...

I have absolutely nothing to report. You're welcome. LOL

Perfect! Let the no news wave begin!!!!

Great work! Thank you!

Jokes on you I actually am Richard Simmons and I find this offensive.

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