Check out this Hilarious Video of Twin Toddlers Partying all Night.

in #funny8 years ago

It has been about six years since I have had a child in a crib. Every once in a while I sigh and fondly think back to those days...

I had to use a cartoon because I've never witnessed a real baby sleepy so peacefully.

Then I see a video like the following one and think, "Oh my gosh that sucked so much! That was the freaking worst! How did we survive?"

If you aren't a parent or have purposely wiped your memory clean of the trauma of dealing with kids who won't sleep in their cribs (like I have tried to do) then you might look at the video and ask, "What the heck is wrong with those parents? Why aren't they laying down the law and putting those little whipper snappers to bed?"

Even I remember that is easier said than done. And I only had 1 kid at a time in a crib. These poor parents have TWO!

Do you know why Mother's day exists? Because of nights like this!

Do you know why Father's day exists? Pity. We get that day out of pity because kids love their moms way more than us.

Pretty much every day that ends in "y".

Anyway, I can't even imagine how much fun these little guys are having. I don't think I'd sleep either if I were two and had my best friend three feet away from me. Heck in college there were plenty of times when me and my drunk buddies acted slightly less mature than these party animals... and we had class in the morning!

What do these kids need to get their rest for? Its not like the little freeloaders are headed off to work the next day. They party like rock stars all night and then get pampered all day.

And yet they won't sleep in their nice comfortable beds...

I am so jealous!

The previous video of 2-year old twins Andrew and Ryan was shot in New York by their parents Jonathan and Susana. It was featured on several local "News" programs around the country.

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Those nights will haunt me Forever lol

My son was the worst sleeper ever. Luckily my for him he was so much fun n during the day that we would always forget each night. Then he'd wake up at 2:00 am and we would remember in a hurry!

And you don't have to pay me for having a laugh with you I will gladly do it for free, but thank you anyway, you have made me feel special today and no not special needs haha :)

Every once in a while I like to send a little token of thanks to the people who truly drive this platform... people who take the time to engage with others. You make this place more fun!!

Ahh thank you as do you, when I'm rich ill pay you back. Thank you for being so kind :)

My oldest daughter had ADHD she only slept for 20 minutes at a time. One night around 2am we found her trying to open the front door to go out and play, she was only 5

Wow! Glad it ended with a laugh instead of something scary!

I dread to think what could have happened. We started hiding the keys after that lol

Aiyee! It's bringing all the trauma back!! Oh the endless nights! I aged ten years over two and that was with only one as well!!

I started to twitch just watching this.

Oh gosh... I don't even want to think about babies anymore...this post made me laugh! Thanks. Needed this.

It has completely given me the fear. The missus keeps talking about us having another. I don't know if i have the ten years aging to spare!!

You should divorce her immediately!!! (Joking)😂😂😂 truthfully...keep them as small as you can for as long as you can. Mine is 19 now and the fear is real. It is absolutely terrifying when they leave home. I miss my son so much and I will never have those small moments back. Good luck... you should have another baby. Listen to your wife...😀

I undoubtedly will. This time next year i will be a stooped old man :0)

I can only imagine the hurdles to come. I bet you did a great job in the raising!

Oh man I love kids... but sleeping is also quite nice. We were lucky and got one of each. We pushed away from the table and said "good enough".

Sleeping is one of those things isn't it. You don't miss it till its gone then all you can dream about is (waking dreaming!) Is sleeping. Two is a good number!

I'm still twitching. I think i have developed a nervous tick!

😂😂😂 Now this made me laugh uncontrollably!!!


hahah! that's a funny one! nice find!

I showed to a buddy at work with a newborn. He said "they are so clever you almost can't be mad." I just laughed at him and told him to get back to me in two years after it happens to him.

That was hilarious!! Like little energizer bunnies.

I love that in the end they both just decided to spontaneously go to sleep. I bet they were exhausted... finally!

Hahahaha didn't toddlers could move like that in the night. They're not kids, they are batkids.

hahaha hilarious video! This scares me to have kids in the future :P

LOL! That is why you really have to be ready for it. It's truly life changing... usually in a good way;)

I got as far as spitting the food in the hand before I had to stop to avoid hyperventilating. I'm going back for more later!

each time a friend comes and tells me her "clock" is ticking, I show her this post lol

You are a great friend!

hahahahah! Children's day is on 1st June! ;)

Cool! I did not know that. Please don't tell my kids.

i will send my message by a pigeon :)

Oh, I can absolutely attest to the difficulties of keeping twins in their cribs! My step-son has twin girls, and you would just get one of them to sleep and the other would shriek and wake her up, it was murderous, haha! Here's a pic of them from about two years ago:

They are adorable... when you aren't trying to put them to sleep lol.

these little creatures of the night are indeed interesting. They burn more energy in a few hours of the night than i do in an entire day.

I can't believe they didn't need to eat in the middle of the night.

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