Stupidity is Around Me # 2

in #funny6 years ago

This is a series of post i type when something completely stupid happens in my life. As i regularly say i have the Stupidity magnet and when i am out i am surrounding by it. "Things" like that happen when i am not in my town but when i am literally everywhere else.

I had made another post a couple of months ago so if you wanna laugh with my life check it out! 

So i had planned for a coffee today with a friend of mine that lives far away from me and the best location was to meet up in the center of Athens at Syntagma Square the most famous square in Greece. I had arrive 20 minutes earlier so i find a spot under a tree to sit and wait from him listening some music.

A girl with a microphone and a cameraman approaches me. She tells me to put my headphones away and so i did this while asking her at the same time what she wanted. She had that weird style many young people in my age have like the world belonged to her and like she was doing me a favor coming by and talk to me. ( i hate this type) Below is the rest of the dialog:

Girl: Have you watched Eurovision?

Me: No, i only know who won and what place our country took 

Girl: Do you watch the World Cup?

Me: Some games yes..

Girl: Ok now wait a minute and i am gonna ask you again with camera on!

1 minute passed, 2 minutes passed 5 minutes passed and all she was doing was looking herself in the mirror and ''fixing her hair''

Me: Are you serious now?

Girl: I have a style

Me: You actually changed nothing the whole time but suit yourself

Girl: I have an image to maintain 

Me: I am sure

Camera opens and she asks me:

Girl: What do you have to say about our contestant in Eurovision?

Me: (I look her like wtf i just told you i just knew who went never watched it and i reply) She was amazing!

Girl: Repeat it i can't understand you

Me: I said Amazing

Girl: Still don't understand

Me: Amazing

Girl: Still Nothing ( at that point i began to think she was just an ugly troll and i was a bit furious so i change my tone)

Me: A-M-A-Z-I-N-G do i need to spell it to you again or you want me to say it in English? ( and i look the cameraman frustrated)

Haha they said thanks and left :P 

I really don't understand wtf was that and from what purpose too. For the sake of logic why the heck she asked me a question i specifically said i have no clue whatsoever....

Images & gifs 1 2 3 4 

So what do you think about Eurovision?

haha amazing a-m-a-z-i-n-g :p

χαχαααα.... Αυτή που δε σε κατάλαβε ξανθιά ήταν;;;

μελαχρινη :p

people get stabbed for doing that shit.. 😐

Haha! Maybe that was for a prank show?

i don't think so cause the camera started to roll when she asked me the eurovision question . Before that it was closed but i hope that was a prank and not plain stupidity :P

We can only hope, my friend. For the sake of the world... we can only hope.

mallon sou ekanan plaka

eprepe kai esi na tous doulepseis kanonika

gia na sou fitakso to kefi:

xaxa makari na ekanan plaka, auto 8a htan to kalitero senario :P entometa9i makran apo tis kaliteres skines ever! k oi tenies h mia kaliteri apo tn allh!

Λίγο ο καιρός που μας έχει σπάσει τ' @ρχ@#ι@ , λίγο η ρύπανση και η ηχορύπανση , λίγο το stress living , λίγο τα κακά πρότυπα , ε, δε θέλει και πολύ να σαλέψει ο κόσμος και να καβαλήσει το καλάμι !
Κρίμα που δε συναντηθήκαμε βρε @filotasriza3 θα έπεφτε πολύ γέλιο !

ναι οντως, μας τα χαλασε ο καιρος, ε τωρα αν ξανατυχει κ κατεβεις εδω θα ειμαι κ δν πιστευω να ξαναβρεξει παλι του πο@@η :p

ITs So funny

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