Why Star Trek: Discovery is a Mess

in #funny6 years ago

Fresh Hell! Funny term! If you have seen the launch of Star Trek: Discovery you might see how this is catching on to describe that series.

Recently Youtube commentator of all things geek, Doomcock, posted his hatred for the new younger version of Spock played by actor Ethan Peck.

As hard as it is to get a reoccurring role in a series, you have to feel bad for the guy. When you are an actor, you take what you can get unless you have reached the status where so much is thrown at you the option to say "No!" exists. So playing shitty bearded Spock is better than the possibility of waiting tables.

So previous to serving on the Enterprise, Spock looked like a guy who always has something new for poetry readings. Star Trek cannon? Screw it! CBS is all coked up and ready to screw fans again and again because they think we are dumb. We are, after all, talking about the same people who were clueless enough about Star Trek to come up with the name Discovery as part of the title for their new show. The very fact that the new creators didn't know that Trek fans break down series in to letters shows they didn't have the foresight to realize their series Star Trek: Discovery, would be known as STD! So Spock with a beard? Why not? They screwed the pooch in so many ways before now, why not go full-banana?

But, lets face it, STD has essentially made Star Trek unwatchable. I gave up after that first free one CBS aired as an attempt to get people to subscribe to CBS All Access. Insubordination on a Federation vessel was enough to make me not want to see what other horrors clueless writers had in store.

My first tremor of hate for STD began during that first free episode. My incredulity went into overdrive when a California Raisin, I mean new-look Klingon, panicked at the site of a Federation officer and accidentally hit his EVA suit jets, and hitting said officer while holding his sword-spear thing in such a way that he...SOMEHOW, stabbed himself. So the big human/Klingon war, in STD, is based on one Klingon losing his cool and somehow forgetting every bit of marshal arts training he ever had at the sight of a human.

The gorgeous work done by the Art Department on both Federation and Klingon EVA suits will sadly be lost in history as STD has become the most hated and controversial version of Star Trek to date.

The established Klingon look from the films and modern TV series had a huge following of fans.

The redesigned Klingons for STD has several problems with it. One of the biggest complaints is that this look does not fit into Star Trek cannon. The other complaint from fans is that the redesign makes them look more like a race of space raisins than they do a conquering and dangerous group of Space Mongolians

The only thing to do now is axe the show. And maybe in a few years reboot the franchise after giving a statement of apology to long-time fans, Gene Roddenberry's soul, and basic logic itself, (and it wouldn't hurt to condemn the Jar Jar Abrams Treks & Star Wars while their at it as it could win them some fans from both genre's back into the fold).

And really, with Animation reaching new heights the 1000 pound elephant in the room question is, "Why the in the Fresh Hells has CBS not produced a 3D Animated version of the original series to continue the rest of that damn 5 year mission?". The whole thing is right there for them to do, and a lot of the TOS cast could voice their characters. DUH! How popular would that be? And...wait for it....they could fill in the gap between TOS and the 1st Star Trek film. Suppose Hollywood is too arrogant to listen to fans. Cocaine is the only reason I can figure to explain how they are too busy coming up with bad ideas that piss off life-long fans so bad it destroys a viable franchise.

Green Lantern; The Animated Series is a great example of how an epic story arc using a far-future sci-fi setting can be done in 3D animation. How long will Star Trek fans have to wait to see the 5 year mission from the original series continue as an animated series?

Based a remote viewing session I had after using the hottest hot sauce I could find on a day-old seafood burrito, here's what I learned about how it went down in the CBS STD board room: "Welcome to the first meeting of the new Star Trek series. 1st order of business....fuck the fans! They will eat anything we shove down their throats. We control the Star Trek name. That's all we need to force feed any Social Justice or political issue down their throats! Oh and buy the way, we hired some writers who basically have no real experience. Is everyone properly coked up out of their minds right now? OK good! 2nd order of business...the main character is rife with insubordination and mutiny! And we are going to be real progressive here and call a woman Michael! Because in the future the whole gender thing is completely out the airlock! No one has sex in the future! It's all test tubes and replicators and shit! So, if a guy wants to identify as a parrot, and he makes it to Captain, well, we can have Captain Parrot...with a fucking parrot...Hell yeah! We want this Trek to be all about making sure no one has any hope of actually maybe one day seeing a better future for humanity where we work within the harmony of order in a dangerous vacuum like space as we explore the galaxy and interact with new species. 3rd order of business, the Klingons will have noses so large we will not need a crest like they used in those old hack-films from all the successful series that all ran for 7 years. And speaking of Klingon noses.....lets snort more coke bitches! Yeah, thats how I got the idea for huge Klingon noses! My septum is almost dissolved, but who cares? I'm writing Star Trek!"


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