Unwanted House Guest (Run Away!!)

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

 It was yesterday that I chose as “the day of doing nothing much” and I had no intention of a repeat…but when I woke up this morning Aunt Flo had come for a visit. And when Aunt Flo comes to town everything shuts down. She is the nastiest, meanest, fun squasher you will ever encounter. She turns my normal morning grumblies into a full day hissy fit with a large serving of pain.  

Now my husband has learned to hide upon her arrival, and today was no different, but he was determined not to let it be a total loss. “The blog must go on”, I’m pretty sure I heard him mumbling as he passed by the bedroom window on more than one occasion. Every so often I would peek out and each time I found him doing something strange. The first time he was hurrying across the yard, though I couldn’t determine what on earth he was chasing. A little later I peered around and located him-or rather his rump-since the rest of him was swallowed up by the wild plants he was crouched over. When I looked out again he was in a similar position on the other side. Despite my horrible house-guest I found myself burning with curiosity, and when he finally braved the inside of our domicile I demanded to know what he’d been up to. 

With a cautious smile he perched on the edge of our bed and proceeded to tell me.  “Well, since you aren’t feeling well…” he glances at me quickly to determine if this is an acceptable way to refer to my visitor and when his head remains attached he continues, “I thought I would do some things you could still…if you’re feeling up to it of course…write about later. I know how you love butterflies so I thought I’d get some pictures of them. Did you know that they were once called Flutterby’s? Well they were and now I know why, they absolutely won't stay still long enough for me to get a decent shot. So that didn’t work out, but while I was attempting it I followed one to the goldenrod that just came in bloom and at first all I noticed was two bumblebees in a raging battle over one flower. I’m serious they were going at it big time. Then when I leaned over to take the picture I found there was a whole city inside. It was unbelievable.”  At this point he holds the camera out for me so I can take a look, and I have to admit it’s amazing. Beautiful.  

(The picture was meant to be here, but for some reason the upload keeps failing. When I get it to work, I will edit it in)  

It’s after seven now and my visitor has finally stopped pestering me and settled down for the night. I find myself thinking about this earth and how truly incredible it is. Such a vast variety of living things, from people and animals, to birds and insects, to flowers and trees, not to mention all of the things that live in deep waters. So many colors, so much beauty. We often berate ourselves, concentrating on the negative aspect of mankind, but if we are truly co-creators of this place we call earth, then collectively we have a glorious imagination which is something to be proud of. And on that note I bid you sweet dreams. 


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