Thinking [Women VS Men]

in #funny7 years ago

Yes guys they (the mysterious female gender) do think differently, If you haven't figured that out by now, well good luck mate you are going to have a really hard life ahead of you.

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Lets just face it guys, when it comes to relationships women often have the upper hand. To put this in perspective, you never know when they are upset with you, but in a weeks time when you get into a small fight she will bring it up... and you NEVER even KNEW it was a problem when you did it.

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We will never know what a women is thinking at one specific time as well, have you seen their mind, no logical organisation whatsoever. It is like a bucket with lots and lots of things in, like a women's handbag, only they know what is going on inside there and only they can find things.

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How often do women empty out their handbag? Well if we liken a women's mind to her handbag, it is no wonder why they can bring up some problem that happened months ago.

Guys minds are pretty simple, Problem = Question
Question: does it bother me? or can I do anything about it?
If the Questions fits these 2 statements and the answer is no, the Problem leaves the brain and is never though of again. Life is simple right?

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Women are amazing, the way they think, well everyone over the centuries are still trying to figure it out even themselves don't know how they think, that takes mad awesome skills. So guys we need to pay respect to women and the way they think and accept that we will never ever come close to understanding exactly what they are thinking of at one specific time.


Women think too much, I agree. We are like a computer, with an endless amount of applications open all at once. We wish we had these files and cabinets men have, where they nicely organize the info into an allocated file according to importance, add it to a drawer in the cabinet, or dispose of those "never to be touched again" files through the shredder. Just think how uncomplicated our lives would have been and how bored the male species would become of us. A challenge in life keeps it exciting!!!

I do think that we, as men, would find women a lot less fascinating and interesting if we actually knew what was going on in your minds. Being like computers I can see now why women would have mental breakdowns and crash. We are different for a reason, might be much easier to find the reason to that than to try and understand you.

All we need is love, and tons of it in action and word. Understanding us, I think we both agree that it is impossible, so lets focus on the positive, that magic word called, "Love". Love us completely and we will make your world turn like no other thing can. See, not complicated at all. Wink, wink.

It would be nice if human relations were simpler. With a cat, I don't have to think about what it thinks. I just pick the cat up and pet it. I'd be thrown in jail if I tried that with a woman. I've heard that male chimpanzees, if interested in a female, will just spread their legs apart and show their erections. I'm not planning to do this myself, of course, that would be stupid.

Multitasking doesn't work. Or does it? It seems that women seem to like the idea of multitasking more than men do. Personally, I don't like it. If you drive a car and multitask, it's dangerous. As far as thinking goes, yeah, my mind wanders a lot, but that's just when I'm not actually trying to do something (ideally).

On the other hand, I think that not paying to much attention to things, such as movies, is a good thing. While watching Netflix, often I'll miss some of the details. I don't care. I think it's good for my mind to actually think about things instead of constantly trying to process what is going on. So, I'm also a terrible listener. That's bad, but what can I say?

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