Funny thing about perception :))

in #funny3 years ago (edited)


Funny thing about perception :))) we all have an image of our selves in the real world and using that try to fit it into a category which in most cases might be an illusion and is oblivious to the people around you but not yourself. the biggest feat might be trying out perform your competitors on the basis that your information is everything you need it to be. Over the years ive taken the time to eliminate my misconceptions where ever they pop up in life and fact of life is everyone has em, but over time many of them can simply be let go by simply educating ourselves and not judging ourselves by hearsay who are heavily complexed by their own misconceptions of themselves and life... best advice: any false ideas can be vanquished by simply digging deeper, love yourself and love life and everything will work out to your best expectations :)))




Definitely don't have time.

this is why it's so precious.

words of wisdom ... but, as Plato should have taught us in kindergarten : "perception is reality" . I find winning to be something mostly on the mind of those pre-occupied with not losing, not on the mind of those who are "just doing" ... but since we are no one there's not much to say about nothing so, according to the oracle , that makes me the wisest of all greeks but in the last years i have developed a serious buddha condition for all but the smile instead, that one still reminds me more of Hugh Ledger practing the method in the mirror


ti's why i am a pirraate :)))


just stay inside the red lines and all will be fine sir

im out of my €25-50 for the month on crypto so ill be checking the digi you mentioned in a week or two, thanks

yeah budgets i know so well, i just heard there's a big sale on crypto today :))) up to 20% off everything well except doge :)))


(maybe the votes get you closer to that 70 rep lol) ttyl , watch your 6 your 9 your 12 and your 3


well in case of misunderstanding, i know vp is low since i was (am) absent mostly but all part of the plan, it gets me something to hand out for a minor prize and if steem keeps its levels it should be up fast enough anyway

all in the name of busykeeping, $99.999.900 to go :p , be careful not to catch a molotov (that was the new years party here in brussels) it really stains the carpet lol ( it would feel safer if my own government would at least let me carry some pepper around in times like these but - that would make me a criminal , and we dont want that, do we)

anyway , watch me go ...

im gonna cork it , ttyl , take care (really) i feel the hard part might still have to come , vaccines or not, the tired people are more of a health hazard than the virus itself now

yeah it's been 69 since last year, somethin must be broken in both places. oh you might find something at walmart :)))
you too be safe ... i'll stay out of traffic :)))


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