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RE: More political ball meme

in #funny7 years ago

I see you made it all the way to the second paragraph. You should read the rest of it now.
Comparing a person's politics to their dietary choices only makes sense if you refuse to see the world in absolutes. Some folks are vegan, some folks eat dairy, but not meat, some only eat fish, some only eat free-range organic meat, the list goes on and on. The truth is, there are an infinite number of diets out there, because people can eat whatever they want, and create their own custom diets that fit their tastes and needs. The same goes for politics.
Get beyond the stereotypes that the propagandists have been using to make you afraid of your countrymen. They are using your fear of those who live and believe differently to control and distract you.
I am a Democratic Socialist. I am also a capitalist. I am an independent entrepreneur, and I have a family to take care of. I acknowledge that small businesses perform better when economies are built from the ground up.
Political nuance is a thing, although there definitely seems to be less of it lately. That's probably because hucksters like Donald Trump are able to convince the simple-minded that their neighbors are evil. The world is not a Saturday morning cartoon.

Stop generalizing. Get beyond "good" and "evil" and see people as individuals. Breitbart, Infowars, and Fox News would like you to believe that Democrats hate America. We love this country just as much as you do. They will tell you that we are attacking religious and family structures, and trying to destroy your traditions. Many of us are Christians with families. They will tell you that we are communists and criminals. Most of us are law-abiding citizens with jobs or businesses.
Stop blindly attacking people, and try getting to know them better. Unlock the door to the little room the propagandists put your mind in. Make friends instead of enemies. Have you ever tried any kind of mind expansion? You should try to get more experience out of life before you die. Go to a city, and make friends with a queer or a Muslim. Take some acid, psychedelic mushrooms, peyote or something. (Also, don't do crystal meth.) Ask the next person you fuck to put her finger in your butt while she is down on you. For the love of whatever God you believe in, do something to pry open your fucking third eye!
You can thank me later. We can still be friends.


You should post that in 4chan /pol

Qet yup

Asy guh

Zec tum

Mut hum

Hul guy

Hop lop

Sen kym

LMAO. You just made an awful lot of assumptions about me. First off I'm an anarcho capitalist. Go to a city lol ok I'm 45 mins from the DC I've been to and lived in many cities. If you took 30 seconds to scroll through my blog instead of making assumptions you would see I'm not at all a stranger to mind altering substances. When you throw oxymorons together like democratic socialist capitalist it makes me laugh. You wrote that entire thing like your talking to a cowboy from Texas and you're not even close.

So you believe it is possible to simultaneously be an anarchist and capitalist, but you don't think it is possible to be both a socialist and a capitalist?
Many of the tenants of anarchism run in direct contradiction to capitalism, but that doesn't mean individuals can't adopt principles of both philosophies. It is hypocritical to go around calling yourself an anarcho-capitalist while telling others they can't just go around taking two political platforms and creating unique hybrids.
What exactly do you find so hard to believe about someone that owns a small business and votes Democrat. Sixty-four million of us voted for Hillary Clinton. Do you think we are all communists?
I will gladly read your blog. I will even spend more than 30 seconds on it, because when I read something, I like to read it in it's entirety.
If you want to make an effort to understand how I can be both a socialist and a capitalist, I wrote a blog entry you should read.

No not even close. Free market capitalism is anarchy no regulation. You can sell nukes from your lemonade stand.

Also, are you seriously trying to tell me that a world where people could buy nukes at a lemonade stands would be a good thing?

Chaos not disorder and chaos isn't necessarily bad you've been programed to believe it is. Rules not rulers. What's hard to understand that more people didn't vote than did. Presidents are selected not elected. You answered your own question the key word is private not government. Socialism is about robbing people (taxes) and try to justify it with useless social programs.

I provided you with textbook definitions. Chaos is not mentioned in either. You can't just invent your own definitions. The dictionary is not trying to restrict your freedom, it is there as a guide to keep you from making an ass of yourself.
I have seen enough chaos to determine that order is better. If you want chaos, go to a third world country. Order keeps people alive and safe. Order is necessary for a civilization to prosper.
The sort of capitalism that thrives in chaos is usually dangerous and predatory. Why would you want people to buy nukes at lemonade stands? How do you feel about other forms of dangerous and predatory capitalism. People are using bitcoins for human trafficking and child pornography. Is that the sort of thing you are into?
Capitalism versus socialism is a very old debate. I don't expect you to abandon capitalism, nor should you expect me to abandon socialism. I am simply advocating for tolerance, education, and understanding on both sides.
Our nation currently practices socialism for the rich, and rugged individualism for the poor. A democratic republic should be able to use both capitalism and socialism to create prosperity and opportunity for all citizens equally. Such a system is better for entrepreneurs that conduct themselves honestly. I was in sales for years, both as an employee, and as an independent small business owner. The most common objection I heard was lack of money. The most common reason for that lack of money was medical bills and prescription drug costs. The drug companies are price-gouging people on life-saving medicine, while they advertise hard-on pills during the Super Bowl. The pharmaceutical industry charges Americans ten times as much as they charge Canadians for the exact same drugs. They spend twice as much on marketing and advertising as they spend on research and development. This is not sustainable. A social safety net is good for business. When consumers have money, they spend it. Capitalists benefit greatly from having healthy and educated employees and customers. I know this, because I lived it. Read the blog entry I posted earlier for the gory details.
Democratic Socialists are not advocating some radical and unrealistic extreme of either socialism or capitalism. We are simply saying that The United States needs to get caught up to the rest of the civilized world when it comes to our healthcare system. Democratic Socialists are not trying to destroy capitalism, we just believe in organizing against giant corporations when they poison and exploit us. We believe that those who benefit most from our national infrastructure should be the ones to pay for it. To me, that makes a lot more sense than selling nukes at lemonade stands.

Giant corporations wouldn't exist without government backing. And really all I get from that big long ramble is you want the government to hold your hand and you want them to enforce your beliefs.

The biggest corporations are international. I agree that governments shouldn't be backing giant corporations, but you can't say they wouldn't exist without government backing. Plenty of international corporations exist without government backing.
I am doing everything I can to educate and enlighten you about the complexities of the current geopolitical situation, and you are being dismissive and hyper-simplifying. It's rude.
I'm not asking you to change your mind about anything. I'm just asking you to consider other points of view without demonizing people.
If you think that all 64 million of us that voted for Clinton are communists, you have a very hateful and distorted perspective.

Wow, you and @chalidore are both batshit crazy. ;D

Anarchy is defined as "a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority." Capitalism is defined as "an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state."
A SYSTEM of trade and industry CONTROLLED by private owners is pretty fucking far from disorder and lack of authority.
As I have clearly demonstrated, anarchism and capitalism directly contradict each other by very definition. That does not mean that components of both can not be combined to create something else.

Man kitty open up your 3rd eye

You make a very good case against extremists like Antifa though.

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