
Chaos not disorder and chaos isn't necessarily bad you've been programed to believe it is. Rules not rulers. What's hard to understand that more people didn't vote than did. Presidents are selected not elected. You answered your own question the key word is private not government. Socialism is about robbing people (taxes) and try to justify it with useless social programs.

I provided you with textbook definitions. Chaos is not mentioned in either. You can't just invent your own definitions. The dictionary is not trying to restrict your freedom, it is there as a guide to keep you from making an ass of yourself.
I have seen enough chaos to determine that order is better. If you want chaos, go to a third world country. Order keeps people alive and safe. Order is necessary for a civilization to prosper.
The sort of capitalism that thrives in chaos is usually dangerous and predatory. Why would you want people to buy nukes at lemonade stands? How do you feel about other forms of dangerous and predatory capitalism. People are using bitcoins for human trafficking and child pornography. Is that the sort of thing you are into?
Capitalism versus socialism is a very old debate. I don't expect you to abandon capitalism, nor should you expect me to abandon socialism. I am simply advocating for tolerance, education, and understanding on both sides.
Our nation currently practices socialism for the rich, and rugged individualism for the poor. A democratic republic should be able to use both capitalism and socialism to create prosperity and opportunity for all citizens equally. Such a system is better for entrepreneurs that conduct themselves honestly. I was in sales for years, both as an employee, and as an independent small business owner. The most common objection I heard was lack of money. The most common reason for that lack of money was medical bills and prescription drug costs. The drug companies are price-gouging people on life-saving medicine, while they advertise hard-on pills during the Super Bowl. The pharmaceutical industry charges Americans ten times as much as they charge Canadians for the exact same drugs. They spend twice as much on marketing and advertising as they spend on research and development. This is not sustainable. A social safety net is good for business. When consumers have money, they spend it. Capitalists benefit greatly from having healthy and educated employees and customers. I know this, because I lived it. Read the blog entry I posted earlier for the gory details.
Democratic Socialists are not advocating some radical and unrealistic extreme of either socialism or capitalism. We are simply saying that The United States needs to get caught up to the rest of the civilized world when it comes to our healthcare system. Democratic Socialists are not trying to destroy capitalism, we just believe in organizing against giant corporations when they poison and exploit us. We believe that those who benefit most from our national infrastructure should be the ones to pay for it. To me, that makes a lot more sense than selling nukes at lemonade stands.

Giant corporations wouldn't exist without government backing. And really all I get from that big long ramble is you want the government to hold your hand and you want them to enforce your beliefs.

The biggest corporations are international. I agree that governments shouldn't be backing giant corporations, but you can't say they wouldn't exist without government backing. Plenty of international corporations exist without government backing.
I am doing everything I can to educate and enlighten you about the complexities of the current geopolitical situation, and you are being dismissive and hyper-simplifying. It's rude.
I'm not asking you to change your mind about anything. I'm just asking you to consider other points of view without demonizing people.
If you think that all 64 million of us that voted for Clinton are communists, you have a very hateful and distorted perspective.

I'm going to say it one more time I didn't vote I don't vote I don't care who you voted for because honestly in my opinion you wasted your time either way. I don't like government I definitely don't like socialism yes I do know the difference between communism. Universal health Care is wrong on many levels. I want people to be free and independent not the mindless slaves we got today.

Healthcare costs will be socialized regardless, because hospitals are not allowed to turn people away if they are having a medical emergency. It really is just a matter of getting caught up with the rest of the civilized world to lower costs for everyone.
If you think voting is a waste of time, why are you arguing about politics on social media? In the time you have spent arguing with me, you could have registered and voted.
Seriously, if you are unwilling to participate in the democratic process, you probably shouldn't be trolling political threads on social media. It makes you look a bit foolish.

You want cost to go down then fight to free the market and stop advocating socialism. You know why I post in political threads because I can't stand anyone who uses government to push their morality and or whatever they think others need. Collectivism is cancer and I could register and vote. Yeah I guess I could in like 3 years but I won't. I don't live my life as if I have a master why should I bother picking one.

Am I arguing with a 15 year-old? That would explain a lot.
You are obviously new to how things work, so you deserve an explanation.
Here on planet Earth, we have things like satellites, nuclear submarines, the internet, and globalization. These factors, and many others, have made economic models and systems of government, that may have worked 200 years ago, no longer a realistic option. Classical economics and limited government is no longer a viable formula, as civilizations that are quicker to modernize their economies enjoy a significant competitive advantage in the global marketplace. The majority of citizens in the U.S. are intelligent enough to realize that, and they vote accordingly. This gives us a modern and competitive position as a wealthy and powerful nation. Third world countries that have been either unwilling or unable to keep up, have suffered from lack of education and infrastructure.
Ironically, you will continue to enjoy the many benefits of living in a wealthy first-world nation, even as you blindly hate the apparatus making it possible. Hopefully, you will not remain blissfully unaware of the hard work done by those of us that choose to participate in the democratic process. We love this country, and we don't want it to become a third-world hell-hole. That's why the majority of this country votes Democratic.

Wow, you and @chalidore are both batshit crazy. ;D

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