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RE: More political ball meme

in #funny7 years ago

Healthcare costs will be socialized regardless, because hospitals are not allowed to turn people away if they are having a medical emergency. It really is just a matter of getting caught up with the rest of the civilized world to lower costs for everyone.
If you think voting is a waste of time, why are you arguing about politics on social media? In the time you have spent arguing with me, you could have registered and voted.
Seriously, if you are unwilling to participate in the democratic process, you probably shouldn't be trolling political threads on social media. It makes you look a bit foolish.


You want cost to go down then fight to free the market and stop advocating socialism. You know why I post in political threads because I can't stand anyone who uses government to push their morality and or whatever they think others need. Collectivism is cancer and I could register and vote. Yeah I guess I could in like 3 years but I won't. I don't live my life as if I have a master why should I bother picking one.

Am I arguing with a 15 year-old? That would explain a lot.
You are obviously new to how things work, so you deserve an explanation.
Here on planet Earth, we have things like satellites, nuclear submarines, the internet, and globalization. These factors, and many others, have made economic models and systems of government, that may have worked 200 years ago, no longer a realistic option. Classical economics and limited government is no longer a viable formula, as civilizations that are quicker to modernize their economies enjoy a significant competitive advantage in the global marketplace. The majority of citizens in the U.S. are intelligent enough to realize that, and they vote accordingly. This gives us a modern and competitive position as a wealthy and powerful nation. Third world countries that have been either unwilling or unable to keep up, have suffered from lack of education and infrastructure.
Ironically, you will continue to enjoy the many benefits of living in a wealthy first-world nation, even as you blindly hate the apparatus making it possible. Hopefully, you will not remain blissfully unaware of the hard work done by those of us that choose to participate in the democratic process. We love this country, and we don't want it to become a third-world hell-hole. That's why the majority of this country votes Democratic.

Nope just someone who isn't afraid of freedom. You're scared just say you're scared. It boils down to you'd rather have peaceful slavery than dangerous freedom and I don't respect that.

Freedom comes from economic prosperity. If you have no money, you are not going to have much freedom. Yes, there are homeless guys, eating out of dumpsters, that claim to have freedom, but most of them would gladly trade that life for one where they had money and a home. With more money, comes more freedom. Economic prosperity for all, means more freedom for all.
I do indeed fear for the loss of my freedom. I fear the greed and incompetence of the current administration will cause an economic collapse. My family has worked damn hard to build a home and a future. There are folks out there with the ignorant and twisted idea that we would be better off burning it all to the ground. I'm not afraid of freedom. I'm an independent entrepreneur. I enjoy more freedom than most, and when the economy is strong, my freedom grows even more. I am afraid of the idiots trying to dismantle the government that secures freedom for us all. I am afraid of the reckless and selfish Republicans that would gladly crash the economy and pollute the environment to make a quick buck.
If you are afraid of our government, it is you that fears freedom, because it is the government that secures freedom for us all. Without our representative government and democratic process, we would surely fall into despotism and slavery.

Your a slave now and if you don't think so refuse to pay your taxes and see what happens. Government is incompetent .Obama and bush were not any better. Trying to justify either side to me is pointless. Rules without rulers. Fixing government with more government is like trying to fix cancer with more cancer. People think just because the government provides a service that only government can provide it and they do it best. Open up the markets let the market compete with the state and see what happens. Are you familiar with Lysander Spooner and his mail company and how government shut him down and held the Monopoly.

Being civically engaged is not slavery. I pay taxes because that is part of the arrangement that comes with being a citizen of this country. If I am unhappy with the terms of that arrangement, I can vote and petition to have it changed, or I can move to a state or country that has a system that I feel is better suited to my needs.
I was in commission sales and ran my own marketing business during the Bush and Obama years. My earnings and quality of life were worlds better during the Obama years. My standard for measuring an administration's competence is how much money I make, and how many of my friends come back from deployment dead or injured. I'll take the relative peace and prosperity of the Obama years over the recession and war of the Bush years any day.
Lysander Spooner has been dead for 130 years. Why do Libertarians always have to bring up ancient history when discussing modern politics and economics? Could it be that their ideas are antiquated and out of date? I think so.

Yeah like I said you want government to hold your hand and have a skewed view of freedom. Why do socialist countries always starve.

Last time I checked, Canada wasn't starving. I know some fat and happy Canadians.
What exactly are you implying with the "hand-holding" narrative? Are you suggesting I am weak? I am one of the strongest people I know. I'm an army veteran, a lifetime MMA practitioner, and I am the first person my friends call when they need help moving furniture. I'm sorry the right-wing propaganda machine has you so afraid of the government that you won't even vote. Sounds like you are the one that needs someone to hold your hand.

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