OMG Another @berniesanders Poops His Pants Video!

in #funny6 years ago

@berniesanders does get tiered of wearing diapers. So he has been laying off on his thrice weekly Caligula Style All Night Anal Orgies, in which HE- @berniesanders is the SOLE RECEIVER!

After a little time off, Bernie Butt was able to stop wearing diapers & go out in Public Again.

Bernie decided to use the opportunity to try & woo an Absolutely Marvelous Looking Young Woman. A Young Woman who Knew NOTHING about Bernie Butt's Depraved Character or Sick Perversions.

BUT, Little known to @berniesadners, one of his FAKE friends who Secretly HATES, managed to SLIP some HORSE LAXATIVES into Bernie Butt's breakfast shake.

Later that day, out in public with this MARVELOUS Looking Young Lady, the Horse Laxatives, KICKED IN!!!!!!!!

It was a horrible, horrible scene. Much to much HORROR for me to Post the Video here on Steemit.

THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS, Bernie's fake friend followed him & managed to Grab a short Cell Phone Video.

Needless to say, the young Woman ran off & has not been answering @berniesanders phone calls since.

HOWEVER, we do have a Video clip of @berniesanders having an unfortunate Public Bathroom Accident, back from his college days. Bernie Butts was Cheating on his girlfriend & has STOLEN MONEY out of her Purse at the same time.

Here now- is that slightly less graphic video footage...

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