Proof of Alien-Communist Conspiracy?

in #funny7 years ago

Unnamed sources at the Pentagon have just revealed that UFOs may have been collaborating with the Bulgarian government officials since before the fall of Communism, providing this photographic evidence:


Sources within the country itself (including the 20th century prophet, Vanga) are purported to have maintained that Bulgarian MPs are not humans at all, but rather reptilians. We have tried to authenticate the sources and verify the claims, but ... we just don't know.

What do you think should be done to eradicate the villainous alien scum at our doorsteps? Comment below!


At that peak, in 1868, Hadji Dimitar's detachment was fought with the Turkish troops.After an uneasy fight the chetniks are broken. The battle is the occasion for writing the famous poems of Hristo Botev from the poem "Hadji Dimitar".The monument of Buzludja (the official name of Dom-monument of the party) is the popular name of the largest ideological monument in Bulgaria. It was erected in 1981 in honor of the Buzludzha Congress.During the period 1944-1989 the peak of Buzludzha and the Dom-monument of the party were a sacred for the Bulgarian communists.To-day in our government we can not understand who to run it.

hehehe those crazy communist architects :) they really had a good time making everything more grandiose and spectacular than the West :)

:D Yes, and it only took 7 years to build, and then another 10 to be abandoned ;)

That structure looks like a viewpoint.
I'm curious. Where is located this structure?

Buzludja (near Shipka Pass), Bulgaria

It seems the perfect place for a meeting of the conspiracy theorists.
Thank you!

My pleasure. You can actually climb in there, but you may need some sturdy boots and a torch in hand.

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