TreeTuesday — Meet my new friend Brandt, who is a tree

in #funny7 years ago

Hey everyone, for this TreeTuesday I'd like to introduce you to my new friend Brandt.

Brandt is a tree:


I met Brandt the other day while out for a nice evening ski on the Mineral Belt Trail. I just about skied by him without noticing, but at the last moment he said:


I was rather confused, because I'd never been greeted by a tree before. I wasn't sure what to do. So I just stood there on my skis, not saying anything and being rather confused.

The tree tried again:

Hellooooo! Hey man, you there? I'm talking to you!

I've noticed that when I don't respond to human beings, they sometimes think I'm being rude (when the truth is that I'm just confused). I figured the same might be the case with tree beings, so I replied:

Hello, how are you?

And the tree said:

I'm doing GREAT, thanks for asking! Just getting snowed on here and enjoying this nice evening in the exact same spot I enjoy every evening, yessir!

I'm not very good at talking to trees (or people, come to think of it), so I just smiled and waited to see if the tree would say anything else.

Oh gosh, where are my manners? My name is Brandt! What's yours?

A tree is talking to me. A tree with the same name as me. What a crazy world. What is going on. How is this possible. There is something wrong with my head. I'm crazy. I'm so confused.

Uhh … well, that's kinda weird, because my name is Brandt, too.

Awesome! That's cool that we have the same name! I like you!

Uhh, thanks. I guess I like you, too. Well, it was good to meet you, Brandt, but I better get going.

What? We just met! Let's talk for a while and get to know each other! We've got the same name! And I've got all night! Not going anywhere anytime soon, not me, that's for sure!

It's getting cold. I'll freeze if I stay much longer.

Usually I'm clueless when it comes to gracefully exiting a conversation I don't want to be in, but this seemed like a pretty legit exit strategy. I can't stay because I'll die if I do. Easy.

Well, I can't argue with that! You humans and your silly warm blood! LOL! Say hi the next time you pass by!

Yes, he actually pronounced "LOL" as a word, which I thought was pretty funny.

Will do, Brandt. Have a good night. LOL!

You too, Brandt. See ya.

I think me and Brandt are going to get along. I think this relationship just might work out.



Well i think its a better conversation than i had with many a human! Great post, taking it to my wall. Happy tree tuesday!

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