A Cheesy Poem About My Slider - Ode to My Slider
Thanks to the Minnow Support Project competitions run by @aggroed (DJ SkankyJ) on MSP-Waves , and to @choogirl for always giving away all her prizes, I have benefited from having temporary a boost in Steem Power, and a slider for a couple off weeks. Having the ability to upvote more posts, with less percentage, but still add value to them has been such a good experience, that I have written a cheesy poem.

Here goes... you can laugh all you want!!! I dig my slider OKAY!!
Ode To My Slider
My power was weak, a minnow on my knees
Until @choogirl won a competition for me
28 Days of MSP Steem Power delegated to me
My Slider appears and my Vote Power is free!!
~ ~ ~
The days go by and I'm having such fun
Upvoting all over, everywhere I run
Sharing the love with more than I could
My slider, you make upvoting so good!
20%, 40%, 60%, More
My slider, you're just what I was looking for
Upvoting so many posts every day
Oh slider won't you please, please stay?
~ ~ ~
The days are but few before you are gone
My slider, I hope it won't be for too long
I'll work hard each day, and Power up my pay
Just to see you come back, forever to stay!
~ ~ ~
My slider you help me to curate more posts
By giving out so many more upvotes
I'll miss you for all the days you're not there
My slider, oh slider, so long, take care.
There you have it! A Cheesy poem about my slider. I hope it brought at least a small smile to your day.
My embarrassment is complete and on the blockchain forever. I may never do this again... until I get my slider back.. maybe....
Enjoy the slider and cool writing 😎
You were a worthy winner @bmj. It was my pleasure helping you out with that.
It's been great so far. I don't want to give it back..lol
love it, great work mate
Thanks Gohba :)
LoL! It was entertaining even if it was cheesy XD The slider will be back before you know it :D
I hope so.. just gotta keep working onit.
I enjoyed that it was silly. I hope your get it back. Nice work though don't be embarrassed.
Thanks @armshippie! I'll get over the embarrassment.... There, I'm over it ..lol
I love this! It is fun and you are excited, so why not share it in a cute poem. Choo is amazing that way, and congrats on you for getting some delegation for a while and being able to have fun with a slider :)
Thanks for the kind comment @topkpop :) Having the slider has given me the incentive to work to being able to get it back once it goes... I'll get there in time :)
ha ha ha.. what fun! All the best with all the curating :)
It was quite fun writing it, cheesy as it is lol :)
I've come from a comment and was surprised by the poem.
It's actually really good.
Put a smile on my face ^ _ ^
Thanks @kaizencrrr, I'm glad you liked it :)
@bmj Its very interesting info.. Great post keep it up.
Sneaky Ninja Attack!!
You have been defended with a 5.35 % upvote!
To help keep my Jōki (蒸気) power strong I rely on the townspeople of Sōsharumedia (ソーシャルメディア).
I was summoned by: @bmj.
I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...