Guarantee for rain.

in #funny6 years ago

Over the years people live and die by the rain. Seasons are changed, and crops are planted by rain patterns. Many people over the years have done sacrifices, dances, and festivals to try and produce rain. Heck we even seed clouds now days to get it to rain. But the one for sure way to get it to rain is..... For me to was my car. Never fails. I went 5 months and never washed it. But I wash it last night, and bam we get a inch of rain. HAHA Lava-Luster-Truck-Wash-copy.jpg So instead of dancing, the people should of washed their horses or something.


It never fails. You get it nice and clean and the rain comes and laughs at you. It is like the fish that came up out of the water last night and did a dance before snapping the line. I am sure I saw him flip us the bird as he went back down into the water.

Ya, I also have the theory that fish have a middle finger.

Man, maybe you could drive over to Redding and get your car washed there. I'll bet the town would pay you for your gas and your time! I'm just saying...

I think I will pass, and just pay another 7 bucks for a drive through. But thanks for the offer, and I hope you have a good time out of town.

I was more referring to how they really could use some rain to put out all the forest fires that are literally about to consume the town. If you went there and washed your truck, they could get the rain they so desperately need! ;)

Fortunately, I'm not in Redding right now. Otherwise, I would have to be leaving Redding right now.

Ah..... Now I understand, I could come up and help you guys out. Sorry, when I am on here sometimes, I am pretty tired, and things go over my head.

No worries. I didn't include all the info in my comment, so unless you had the Redding fires on the top of your mind, you would have had trouble getting that one anyways.

is so fun

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