Exciting Baby Update.

in #funny6 years ago

As a active male, I would never have thought my hobby would be keeping track of a baby output. In the form of wet diapers to soiled diapers. But that is where life has me, and it doesn't even seem weird. I will tell you that 2 years ago I would have probably thought my current self is a weirdo though.

As you can clearly see, my daughter is using close to 10 diapers a day, with a average life span of 2. 4 hours per diaper.

I would say that if she was a 50 year old male, having 8.7 wet diapers, she should get her prostate checked, but that is not the case.

And If you are constipated does the 7.1 poops per day make you jealous? These are the new things that I fill my brain with during the day.... Enjoy


I have never heard of this before. This app did not exist when my children were in diapers. I’m very curious, what do you do with the data?

Post about the data, and answer all the doctors stupid questions. Did computers exists when you had kids?

🤔🤔 “solid” stats. Haha!

Ya, I do enjoy not having to pay for formula, but then I pay more for the diapers.

These days everyone and everything is about being equal and having equal opportunities. Nice to see a male taking on a “female role”.

that's pretty funny. I didn't even realize there was an app for that. In my day we went by sense of smell lol. I don't know how many and how often but the baby had a way of letting me know!

steady 👍👍 i like @bigram13

We were advised not to use diapers too often, so we only used diapers when going out of the house

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