Ever been freaked out by a child's toy or a mirror?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

Children's Toys -

Have you ever been alone, at night, minding your own business, when one of your child's toys suddenly starts up for no apparent reason? It's happened to me a few times and every time I've either jumped out of my skin or had that weird internal shiver. It's funny how the most mundane things can still have the power to freak you out! My occasional fear of toys may have something to do with those films Chucky, Poltergeist, and The Woman in Black.

Other mundane things that can scare me are;

  • Scarecrows
  • Old people
  • Curtains
  • Mirrors
  • Cupboards

Mirrors -

I once woke up in the middle of the night and need to visit the bathroom, unusually for a number 2. I'm not scared of the dark so all the lights were off and I sat on the toilet. There is a large mirror on the right-hand bathroom wall. I was looking straight ahead out through the bathroom door, which was open. There was plenty of moonlight and once my eyes had adjusted, I could see very clearly. Out of my peripheral vision I could see my head in the mirror. Something about my reflection caught my attention. The side of my face didn't look right. My hole body suddenly grew tense and I could not bring myself to turn my head and look. I began to develop a cold sweat....something definitely wasn't right. I conclude that the best thing to do was leave as soon as possible. I quickly tidied myself up and though I was determined not to notice anything in the mirror, I accidentally looked again. It was at that moment that my face turned and looked at me. My heart almost stopped. I clearly saw the movement and clearly saw two eyes. I was not smiling, but the face....couldn't have been mine....was. It was weird, I wanted out of the bathroom immediately but I couldn't move. I didn't want to see what I was seeing in my peripheral vision, but I couldn't shut my eyes or turn my head. In the end, I suddenly leapt forward and pulled up my boxers at the same time and charged into my bedroom, slamming the door. I was pretty freaked out and I've never felt the same about mirrors but you put it behind you.

It's a true recounting of something I honestly experienced, but what was really going on I couldn't say.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed it!

Happy Steeming


I am scared of seeing my boss naked.

I share your fear Lord Vader. There's a dark side and a dark side.

My big, tough cousin -- Tony, in waste management from the Bronx, moved out to big house in the country, with long, long driveway... One of his first nights living out there, he goes out in the middle of the night to get the mail -- the pitch black and complete silence had already started to spook him.., then he heard something and was sure he saw something, right behind him - so he darted off, as fast as he could -- straight into tree, almost knocking himself out... :)) And what was it that scared the crap outta him -- His Own SHADOW!

Haha! Oh dear oh dear oh dear. I can totally empathise as I've been there. I was camping in my own garden and I noticed this black cat sitting about 15 feet away. It was very still and just sat there looking at me without moving for ages. It freaked me out so I threw one of my shoes at it....nothing. Eventually I must have fallen asleep, wrapped in fear with my head under my pillow. In the morning I discovered...to my eternal shame...that it was in fact a watering can. Boy did I feel silly.

@benjojo, I'm laughing really hard because my boys have toys that are motion activated, and they will starting talking or moving in the middle of the night. I really started laughing about the cupboards. That's hilarious! Dude, thank you.

Haha! You've made me laugh too! I just know you've climbed a wall one or twice when one of yours has gone off! ;)

When I was 6, I was scared by this painting on the wall in the living room, it was as if her eyes are turning to me sometimes:

Wow. I'll certainly give you that. This painting definitely has the potential to be creepy!

LOL yea, these fucking monkeys scared the crap out of me as a kid . Don't know why but they're still cringe worthy :'D

You are not alone there....these things are my worst nightmare! I won't have one in the house!

Hello my friend .... very beautiful ... we are the only ones who make fear of darkness

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