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RE: My weird stock market experience

in #funny7 years ago

I am a bit wary of the stock market. I am all too conscious of the fact that I know very little. Well, I guess that is the most important thing to know....

I did take the advice of an engineer friend who seemed to have done his homework on some mining companies in Australia. So I made some tentative investments there. You have to start somewhere, that's how this crypto thing began.

I do find the stocks interesting, but just too much to take in. Not enough time. I have a friend that is pushing into real estate instead...


I hope I get to share the knowledge I received last weekend in a little while - after I get it perfected through practice with paper trading and back analysis. Give me a few weeks and stick around if you are still interested - I'll be happy to share all I know.

Looking forward to it!

We are doing an crypto trading forum on MSPWaves Saturday at 11am EST if you guys are interested. I will be teaching trading lessons from my years of experience. Can find it on PAL discord channel:

Thank you! I'll tell my bf - he is doing crypto.
I am getting hang of the stocks - just don't want to lose focus. :) Appreciate the invite!

I day traded stocks full-time for 5 years and options part-time for 10. Crypto is sooo much easier right now cus of the volatility. Though, it looks like the U.S. stock market is ready to crack.

agree - the gains can be much higher due to volatility. Crypto is an incredibly vigorous market. I just tend to connect with stocks better due to their longevity.
Also agreed on the stock about to take a plunge. There is a way to make money on a crashing market with options as well if you know how though.

Yes there is. I told a story on my radio show how sometimes you miss trades because of unforseen issues, which just happened to me.

Charles Schwab acquired the broker I use and they have different restrictions so when I went to put on a 295/292 debit Put spread on Monday before close I could not. Sure enough the trade was good by 10am Tues morning with the gap down...UGH.

Thanks, I will look in if I'm not having kids hanging off me!

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