25% Steem Dollars Reward For Lighthearted Photoshop Contest Battle To Poke Fun At @berniesanders & @dollarvigilante

in #funny8 years ago (edited)

Humor Is One Of The Best Ways To Bring People Together


The Iconic "Get Off My Plane" Scene In Air Force One

"Laughter Is The Best Medicine"

With all the controversy surrounding @berniesanders and @dollarvigilante, I thought a quick photoshop challenge might bring both sides together in a quick bit of laughter.

This is completely for fun and no intent is meant to hurt either user (I follow both).

The contest is as follows:

  • Create a photoshopped (or draw) picture of @dollarvigilante and @berniesanders in a humorous situation. eg. Famous movies, riding whales etc. just be creative
  • Keep this lighthearted and do not attempt to offend anyone with the content (Just be classy)
  • Post a picture in the comments section or a link to your post in the comment section

The winner will be the photo/link with the most votes and will receive 25% of the Steem Dollars from this post

If the contest is successful and people enjoy doing it, I might propose doing further contests for everyone. Make that known in the comments below as well.

Possible future contests:

  • Whale Wars - pitting our favorite whales against one another in humorous situations

  • Steemlebrity Deathmatch - A satirical goofy "death match" between selected users with funny weapons - (I want to see @donkeypong vs @Cryptoctopus)

  • Superheroes and Supervillians of Steemit

Just a few ideas, but if the interest is there I will craft it more carefully and try to create something fun and funny for everyone.

Best of luck to all entrants!

Any questions or comments will be quickly responded to!


Looking forward to this- loving the laughter!

I hope there is a larger response in the future, but I also did this with a little more success monetarily but fewer real submissions. Steemlebrity Deathmatch Photoshop Battle


I love it! Thanks for the submission @sulev Frodo looks so cool and "Bernie The Grey"
You are in the lead right now!

I'm already waiting for those cents :D

Haha hopefully the next contest will be a bigger success, most likely I will give you all the SBD from the post since I thought the contest might be larger than it was.

If only @berniesanders would give this a little boost. I love photoshop related contests. You can keep the 30 cents or add it to the massive prizepool of the next contest :D

Yes I will try to do another contest now. Stay tuned!

I'm not big of photoshop, but I'm interested to see what hilarious things users would come up with. I hope this post does well!

There are some creative minds, so I hope someone has a lot of fun

I'm not at home right now, which pretty much kills any chance I could have of posting in time, but when I get home tomorrow I'll put something out here :D

If there is enough interest I will gladly make more contests and plan accordingly. Feel free to leave any ideas for contests you would enjoy doing.

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