Meme of the Day! My Guinea Pig is back!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #funny8 years ago

Have a great evening or day, depending on where you are! Please UV and RS if you like it, it is always super appreciated! Steem On my fellow Steemians!


I'm pretty sure that's a hamster, but I'll upvote anyway @barrydutton!

I honestly could not tell which it was, I really looked hard lol.

Still got my upvote, and maybe it is more humorous that way!!!!

that'll learn me -- I should be asking my #SteemElders for help more lol - I think that term I coined weeks ago is starting to take root on here a wee bit! I helped! lol

I like that term myself, in fact, because of that, I got referred to as a #steemancient earlier!

I know, I saw that. lol - Wisdom comes from the Elders, and can have nothing to do with age. I speak of experience, that is what I hope to convey to people when I use this term. It is respect from my POV. I know you get that.

YEAH! Power up, baby!

I see you've had an account since August but something's recently lit a Steem fire under you! I'd love to hear your Steemit story. What/Who got you here and what prompted you to get active?

Well some of it I cannot discuss publicly for various reasons due to political stalking and harassment for being informed on a lot of things and exposing it.

I basically took a complete month off starting Oct 4th and came back on 30 days later or so. I was pretty disheartened with a lot of the numbers and interaction on here. I am not as tech savvy as most on here and I work hard on my content and have a lot of challenges to overcome and it was just bumming me out. I just was not and am not seeing a lot of upswing and see others getting a lot of rewards for similar content, or that get less votes etc etc which ultimately affects things.

I forget how I found this exactly. I try and remember sometimes but I cannot remember --- I think it quite likely was thru @hilarski --- Randy was on my FB list like some others connected to my interest in Crypto and Bitcoin markets and tech. Randy puts out great content.

In a nutshell, that is a little bit about me, and hope it helps answer some things I can actually discuss on here. If I was under a pseudo-name on here, I could say more but I opted to use my real name despite some of the attacks and creepy stuff that comes my way WRT some individuals and agencies harassing me for speaking TRUTH to the masses.

He looks full o' Steem Power anyway!

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