
No, and I hope not to. At least not over a little thing like speeding. Some things aren't worth planting my flag in the ground over. Call it "compulsory bootlicking" if you want, I'll call it "self-preservation"

You can call it self-preservation, the point is obviously that they have intimidated and coerced you into their highway robbery, because you don't know how to assert yourself and believe it's a matter of life and death with the upper hand in their favor, when in fact these people are MONKEYS, search Cop Iq Limits, talk to cops, question them, assert yourself, state your rights, don't let them control you through threats or fear, you aren't going to have a flag to plant otherwise, especially if you won't do it over something inconsequential like traveling, you believe you can do it over something serious.

I agree with most of what you're saying. But until more of the population wakes up to their racket, I'm not going to risk my relative freedom, safety or life over a speeding ticket.

You won't assert yourself over traveling, what would you assert yourself over?

You're implying that if I won't assert myself over something small, I'll be too cowardly to assert myself over something big. But my motive isn't cowardice. Some battles are worth fighting, while others, at the current state of our culture would serve no purpose other than causing me great loss.

If you truly believe we must stand our ground against all actions of the state at all times, I expect to see you storming the gates of your city hall with guns blazing.

I would be justified to stand our ground against all actions of the state because they're inherently agressive, but I'm not stupid. I know the world that I live in and I know that picking a fight over every issue will not advance the cause in any way, it will only lead to me losing property, freedom, or even my life.

I'll stand my ground when the cause actually matters. There are far worthier causes than the right to drive 80 rather than 60.

What is worthier than being allowed to move freely? One thing and you're off the hook.

There are many causes worthier than being able to choose my speed of movement. You want one thing? If child services came around to kidnap my children, you can bet I won't just bend over and take it.

If I'm being frank, I don't think you even believe what you're saying. Do you fight "the man" at every point you see that he's encroaching on your freedom? If that were the case, you would never stop fighting (until they kill you, which would certainly have happened by now.) We live in a world ruled by tyrants. You can't walk 5 feet without facing the effects of their tyranny. I don't actively rebel against every instance of government aggression because that would be literally impossible, not to mention completely pointless.

And what does that mean? Because I bet you won't stand up to the cops and CPS as they haul your kids away, as they will shot you without batting an eye.

I have ran from the cops numerous times, successfully, I have gotten away without insurance/driver license a couple times on top of that when I couldn't run away, and I have done it every time by stating my rights, and questioning their "probable cause", without a ticket, or warning.

It's not about choosing your speed of movement as much as it's about realizing that "until more wake up" doesn't exclude you from "more", and waking up is nothing short of challenging their claim to authority, or you'll keep cowering behind "more". On top of that, challenging the authority of those that carry out the orders is paramount to standing up to tyranny, because they are the ones that have not realized yet how evil their actions are, and without them, the judges, the DA, the whole system crumbles. If you do not see the importance of standing up for something as basic as that, you will get your children taken away and you'll get shot or brutalized by the cops if you don't bend over and take it, and it's definitely not worthy to stand up when you have no chance in hell of making a difference. In the end you are not going to be standing up to a cop period, you hope that you can do that standing up to a judge in court when he's asking you to stand up, which won't matter as all the judges and DA's are fully aware of their bogus authority and how grand and old the scam is. On the other hand cops aren't aware of that stuff, not even the veterans, they are stuck in iq less than 100 and "just following unlawful orders". Every time you just take it, because you're afraid, or because you think it's pointless, you're validating the cops actions as just, and you won't have any chance to stand up to cops taking your kids away if you cannot stand up to cops telling you how to travel.

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