
and have the wank he's looking forward to using those anal beads

Lol, I only just noticed them!

Though I hate to admit it, I actually have one of those fat-shaker machines. Shakes the bejeesus out of you, and you still stay the same size.

Lol, thats the awesome thing, they do shake the bejeesus out of you and thats it! Ah thats funny!

wait, why is meesterboom answering for boom?

Meesterboom always answers for boom!! Haven't you noticed!

nope I guess not, shouldn't bOOm be standing on his own?

Technically yes but I like to upvote commenters who post a decent comment and a small upvote from b00m doesnt go very far. So if I answer as meesterboom and upvote from there my smallest upvote is worth like 40% of a boomer!

ok, gotcha. thanks for the 0.00 vote! :)

Hehe, I thought that would underline the point quite well :O)

i knew that was why you did it! :)

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