
At least you haven't been invaded (yet) by the underpants gnomes.

Oh god......they sound awful. What is their speciality?

How vicious....


(Ask a silly question…)

The question was related to what they do with them........

(Make a silly statement....)

Haha too true.
But you missed out the Mysterious Breaking Troll.
You know, the guy who goes around the home breaking things...

Hmmm....maybe that one moves in with the kids? I have none....the cats can toss lots of stuff off the tables....but my french fairy is to tidy to leave anything to get it broken.

I actually think I will have to upgrade this post. :D The underpanst gnomes and the mysterious breaking troll....I LOVE IT!

Sounds like a Part 2 coming up soon..... ;-)

Hehe that's awesome 😁👍 need to resteem that 😁❤️

Hvala. :)

aja sej si naša, nism vedu ! :) ja potem se pa slediva ane ?!? :D

sej nisi eden tistih, ki posta non stop? :D v tem primeru bi lahk bil moj fotr pa ti neb sledila :P

The sock fairy is quite a bitch, but my kids tell me the hiding dwarf is actually a German dude, goes by the name of Alzheimer!

No! No, no, no. That would almost imply it is my own fault. :D :D :D You can keep the German dude, I'll stick to my hiding dwarf (tho party regret it cuz the your naming is way more funny).

Soo cool lolz...

@bellyrub is coming you're way since I'm too low on power for an upvote:/

Take care:* "a friendly :*" lolz

tell me about voting power is on 57% :( Ty!

:/ No prob, thanks for the @tipu ;)

This post has received a Bellyrub and 0.78 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @kid4life. Send SBD to @bellyrub with a post link in the memo field to bid on the next vote, every 2.4 hours. Be sure to vote for my Pops, @zeartul, as Steem Witness Hope you enjoyed your bellyrub!

Great drawings, as always :)

Ps: hiding your sh*t?

No censorship on the word shit here.... :D well not on my blog at least. keys...remotes...etc. :)

Aha, so it was intentional and not a typo? Great :)

What do you teach and at what level? If you care to answer, of course ;)

Letos učim angleščino v nižjem izobraževalnem standardu (NIS) - 7.-9. razred. In nato sem še predmetnik za posebni program (PP), kjer večinoma učim izbirne vsebine (znotraj tega angleščino, higieno in spolno vzgojo, računalništvo ter likovno ustvarjanje). Katere izbirne vsebine me doletijo je odvisno od razrednikov in staršev. Sem praktično v vseh PP skupinah - razen pri najmlajših (PP1 in PP2)...torej bolj ko ne najstnike in mlade odrasle. :) Če si iskal odgovor v razvojnih stopnjah - vse od III do VI razvojne stopnje.

Awesome, love it!!! Absolutely brilliant :):)

I'd be on the phone with Terminix or something ;D

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