Having a Bit of Fun. More joking Around

in #funny6 years ago

I have just received and email from my gas and electric company asking if I want an new smart meter in my property, Now I used to work for a company that installed the meters so I know they are better than giving your meter readings over the phone.

They save time and give you the amount of electric you are using to the penny, so this is a bonus for us as we like to know what we are spending out money on.

I have just had to fill in an online form for them to book me in for a date which is in a few weeks time, I have chosen a window when i know that I will be in and that I am free on that date.

So as i am filling in the form one of the questions asks, do you need a password when we visit?

well yes why not?

So I have asked them to say the password


thanks to giphy.com for the gif :D

I can't wait for the visit to see if this guy says it to me as it will make my day, and maybe his you never know.

I might even film it and post it on here for all to see hahaha.

Do you think he's going to say it? leave me a comment below :D



Love the flintstones, have most episodes!

they remind me of been a kid again :D

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