Why children are better than friends

in #funny8 years ago

We all have friends, or at least had some friends. If you don't you might be a genuine bad person and you should get some professional help. Friends are people who can make your life meaningful. However, they have their own lives, own friends, own desires and everything. They can leave you by yourself the moment you need them the most.
This is why...

Children are better than friends

Children are awesome


Your friends are different. They might have different desires and opinions than you, which is typically ok, but may cause trouble. What if you want to eat pizza and your friends are more interested in tacos? Your evening will be ruined, as you will have to bend to the will of many.

If you would have children instead, you can make the decision yourself! Hooray. The only problem is that you'll have to pay for everybody's pizza, but you can eat most of your children's pizza as long as they are young.
Boo, friends suck

Have you ever been ashamed of your friends? One can't dress properly, one of your friends dyed his hair pink and cyan. One of your friends hasn't showered in a week and smells like garlic and death.

If they were your children, you could tell them what they can wear, do with their hair and when to shower. No need to be ashamed before your children will become teenagers. Even then, they are more ashamed of you than you are ashamed of them, so you are still winning.

A quite long time you can tell your children what they are and can be. You can't tell your friends what they should be, but luckily, your children have to listen. Even if they hate you. Easy.

Your friends have different plans. A shame


Your friends have a life of their own. You might want to play soccer with them, but your friends are going out with their family/girlfriends/boyfriends/etc. and so you can't play any soccer. You can kick the ball alone, but we all know how it is. In your deepest desires, you would want to kick your friends for not having you as the top priority.

If you would have children instead, they couldn't make any plans without you. Or if they made, they would have to cancel all the plans! Your son was going to see his girlfriend, but he has to cancel it because "Dad wants to play football". Yay for sports and not being alone! You want to go fishing, but your daughter is going to meet the family.. but luckily, you are the family! Yay, your daughter has to go fishing with you. You are the top priority, the number one. Way to go!

Friends still suck

Losing friends

If your friends don't like you, they can cut off all the ties and never speak to you again. It can happen even if you don't know what went wrong. This is sad, but it happens to most of us. Trying to contact your lost friend and asking what went wrong won't help, as your lost friend isn't talking to you. Boo-hoo.

If you would have children instead, they can never get completely rid of you! You are in their DNA. If something goes so bad they will cut off ties with you, your daughter will see her image in mirror after 25 years and think "I look just like mother!" - and she's kind of still with you. Yay.
When your children are young, they'll have to live with you. When they move away, they have to come and meet you! If they were only friends, they wouldn't travel across the country to meet you on every holiday. Now they are your children and they have to.

Your children are so much better than your friends. And you'll be in their life as long as you all live. We all know this bulls**t because we too have parents and they're still bothering us all the time with all kinds of stupid things.

Babies are weak

All pictures from Pixabay.


An ex's mother had a pillow that said, "Had I known grandchildren were so much cooler, I would have had them first."

I don't have my own grandchildren yet, but I believe they are so much cooler. You don't have to wake up at nights, you don't need to worry about taking them to kindergarten and still going to work the right time, you don't have to buy a boring family car.. and still be in their lives and be your grandchildren's favorite.

And you can give them as much candy you want and not feel bad at all.

Wow, you've definitely convinced me now. I'll tell my boyfriend we have to get started on this right away!

If your boyfriend doesn't want kids, you can make him read this. I'm an expert with kids so this post is 100% pure facts. If you get enough kids, you can even start a band or form a soccer team with them!

Great idea. I'm actually thinking of getting enough for a decent raid group for our games. I think this will definitely push my boyfriend over the edge.

Didn't even think about that. It makes everything so much better, you can teach them from the very first steps and they'll do everything right all the time. No more random members in raid groups who can't play, as you are the master of all.

Exactly! I think we've found the winning argument.

agreed @apsu - got my vote

Thanks, I'm thankful as are all my joyful children.

that is great to hear @apsu

children-- just as friends-- can also choose to leave you pretty much any time. Many of them run away from their homes, some even before 18 can also seek legal methods of removing parental guardianship etc. wouldn't that hurt? if your child after all you did said ADIOS your not my parents anymore. And worst case, some children even try and kill their parents.

I have seen plenty of parents also ashamed with their children dressing certain ways etc, embarrassing themselves on social media, or screaming when they are in a store/out to dinner.. making it difficult to bring them places. Their children also keep their standard of living down by costing them a lot, do your friends cost you tens of thousands every year? lol probably not.

And the tip about not letting your child make any plans without you? Seems a little controlling! Why would you want to be your child's top priority? They should be yours, but your children should be free to focus on their desires, passions, develop and find out who they are etc meet new people, experience new stimuli, not just have YOU as their main concern all day long.... smh Man I think that would really be very lonely if the only connections you had in the world were your own children.. I am thankful for the positive friendships I do have with people who inspire me and make my life better.

Not against children! just puttin that out there lol but it certainly isn't all positive without a few things to consider in the negative! :)

I have to admit, I wasn't serious with this. That's why the main tag is funny, but you have seriously good points.

I believe all of us or at least most of us know from our own childhood that things aren't as stated in this text. Children are not mindless creatures and you can't tell them exactly what to do. Or you can, but it won't work like that. I, as I bet we all, have disobeyed my parents and even made plans that crossed their wishes and all.

To be honest, if a child lives to make his/her parents happy it's a sad thing and I strongly advice not to do it. Way too often we see how a child picks a hobby, a career etc. just to please his/her parents. It won't work long term.

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