WATCH: Australian Politician run rings around himself

in #funny6 years ago

Unfortunately Sky News, the conservative echo chamber of the Australian Media, has deleted the short video of this ex cop and wanna be politician not knowing anything about the policies he is selling to the people of his electorate, but I have found a longer version that you can easily wade through to find the gold. Watch up until 5 minutes, the rest is unbearable just FYI, the first three minutes or so are pretty boring so take that with care.

This Liberal politician doesn't know anything about economics or energy policy if that wasn't already apparent to you, pretty basic economics would suggest that if the market was in need of more coal or gas power plants the private sector would fund this for profit and if the market does not find a need for it no one will invest in it and it would not be built... Hence why no more power plants are being created at the moment. The Sky News journalist (if you can even call him that) is not much better, he didn't even challenge Lamb's comment about renewable energy which was not based in any fact, renewable energy is reliable and is becoming more and more so with more investments otherwise other developed countries wouldn't be investing billions per year on it, whilst also divesting from fossil fuels. Furthermore, saying that the current government is stopping the private sector from building power plants should not have gone unchallenged; I couldn't find any legislation that stops the private sector from building power plants. Finally, at the end of the clip he says that tax payers will be funding it, almost like he was scared to say it earlier, if you were happy with your parties policies and what you believed in wouldn't you want to shout it from the roof tops and tell everyone? Its almost like he doesn't know what he is doing and worse still he doesn't believe in the policies he is speaking about.

What this politician is saying: Liberals will give tax payer dollars to fund a dying industry that is killing our planet and will end up costing us money like the old Hazelwood Power Plant. So instead of looking towards the future by funding clean and exciting new technology the Liberal government will be taking us back to the past by funding a dirty industry that only benefits the super wealthy and of course the power companies, those of which are price gauging the Australian people.

There's just so much good shit on this video its hard to break it all down. Anyway I just hope no one votes for this clown, he has already shown that he is absolutely incapable to clearly identify his policy.

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