Another Howling, Dumb RANT by @Angryman...

in #funny4 years ago (edited)

HOWDY y'all… I suspect that most of you have been sitting on pins and needles for the past 3 months, constantly clicking on your feed button to see if I published anything new.

Hence, alas, and heretofore, since my heart is in a weakened state, I bestow upon the masses - ANOTHER most interesting and masterful work of literary art.

It may not be 100% new, because I brought a lot of it over from that other platform that some of my old friends may not be visiting any more...

Now that I got that out of the way... How the freak are ya doing!?!?!? I'm fine.

Have any of you people seen those nut-bags still driving around with masks on their face and gloves on their hands, in vehicles with the windows rolled all the way up???

MAN… Talk about paranoia... I saw three of them today...

Anyway...that's not what I came here for tonight. What I really wanted to do is send all my favorite followers here on @Steemit a small token of my appreciation.

Write your name and address in a comment, and I'll mail you a 10% off coupon for broccoli at your local food market, in order to help sustain you during this 'Corona' crisis...

I happen to like broccoli, even as a child...which might be rare? My sisters absolutely hated the stuff, so there was always plenty left in the serving bowl for me, in the middle of the table.

Eating broccoli is probably one of the reasons I always had a lot of healthy, masculine stamina in and out of the bedroom...scaring many girlfriends away while I swung on the chandelier, beating my chest and howling like Tarzan...

At seventy years of age, I still do that sometimes, but instead of girlfriends...I just have cats…!!! They run and hide though, in the same way the ladies used to.

Getting back to the Covid-19 thing...have you heard those theories about 5G possibly causing the condition to be worse than it actually is, if you get zapped by it?

I don't know… Maybe there's something to it? Why would everyone who talks about 5G; get banned by YouTube and other mainstream Social Media sites???

I'm glad that @Steemit isn't mainstream. We can say whatever the hell we want here for the time being, without getting kicked off the platform; well...almost anything.

Now, that doesn't mean your safe from the eyes and ears of the NSA, CIA, MI-6 or other global Intelligence Agencies...They'll be all over your ass if you utter the wrong thing, in the wrong way.

So, be very careful like me and use a fake name, so that when they come to your door to kill you, the real you, will be nowhere to be found...

The 'Hit Squad' will walk away, scratching their heads in a profound state of confusion.

Then, change your name again, to further throw them off your trail...

Well, my friends... That's about all the sound advice I have for now.

I'll see you all again sometime soon unless I'm abducted by Space creatures or mauled by a vicious chipmunk, while gingerly tending to my vegetable garden...!?!?!?!?

Stay well and happy, my friends.


Another Retarded Rant by @AngryMan on @Steemit - Oct. 1, 2020

Free Images: Courtesy of


Oh wow...I didn't know that SBI was still active on the platform... Thanks for hitting me up with some love :>)

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