Things I Find Dumb About............SCHOOL

in #funny7 years ago

This is a light - hearted article made only for fun and entertainment. Please try not to get offended cause its good to have a laugh sometimes.

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See ya'll, I am an 11th grade student myself and I've experienced 11 years of schooling. So here are some of the things that I find stupid about schools

1) Teacher's Logic

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This shit never made any sense to me. Imagine you're in a class doing something stupid. Like for example : making a paper plane and throwing it in the class. But unfortunately teacher sees it. He says

"Hey Shady what the hell you think you are doing? Why'd you do that for??!

And then you say.

"Sir Dickhead told me to do it."

Which is not a good reason right? And then he says :

" If Dickhead told you to jump off a cliff or shove a hedgehog up your ass, would you do it?"


Obviously I would not shove a hedgehog up my ass if Dickhead or even Donald Trumph told me to do so. Why would I? Do you not see that a goddamn limit has been crossed. There's a huge difference between throwing a paper aeroplane in the class and jumping into a well of death!!!

2) Annoying classmates

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I thing we've all known at least one classmate that is annoying as F!! Like for example you want to make friends with a new girl at your school. So you go upto her and talk with her for some time and become really good friends. But then an annoying student named Assface walks upto you two and says

"OHO OHO!! Tonight's gonna be someone's bang-bang day.!!"

JESUS CHRIST MAN! Can't a boy talk to a girl in peace??

This literally happened to me and that girl stopped talking to me from that day. CURSE YOU ASSFACE!!

3) Teacher's Logic (part 2)

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The 2nd thing that never made sense to me was :

" Hey sir! Can I go to the toilet?"

" Its may Shady, not can."

"UGHH! A'ight. May I go to the toilet sir??"

" Why did not you go during the break time??"


Break time was like two hours ago. What do you mean I should have gone to piss at break time? Dude if I had to go piss at the break time, I would have gone at the break time. Ain't it possible that my urinary bladder was not full at that time but is full now? Do you think I'm some kind of sorcerer that can go piss at any time I want. My urinary bladder HAS to be full in order for me to take a piss. That's how human body works you bastard!

4) Students Using Long Words

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I think you know what I am talking about. I am talking about those students who are good at studying and exaggerate as shit! I am not against people using long words. We could use them when we need. But some people just use them in order to look smarter than others and to outshine others. I mean, suppose the class is being given to write an essay. Let us assume the student's name to be Ballsack. So Ballsack finishes his essay and reads out loud to the class. He says :

"This essay is about CANIS LUPUS FAMILIARIS. Blah blah blah blah. They are very PULCHRITUDINOUS. Blah blah blah blah. The thing that I like about them is that they are very PRISTINE. Blah blah blah blah...."


You see what I'm talking about? Believe it or not CANIS LUPUS FAMILIARIS is a scientific name for dogs and the meanings of PULCHRITUDINOUS and PRISTINE is beautiful and innocent respectively.

Get on with it Ballsack!! If you think using these words would make you sound smarter, it won't. It freaking won't. You know that you do not use these words in real life. Nobody uses these words in real life to be precise. You think you are considered as a smart person when you use these words Ballsack? No mate!! This will make you end up being classified as a stupid person instead.

5) Word Limits

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Suppose you are being given to write an essay in the class about human excretory system. Now in this case, the teacher gives you the word limit of around 20 - 30 words. You write :

" Every human being has an excretory system. This enables a person to excrete out the wastes that has been accumulated in the person's body because of various metabolic process. Humans can excrete liquid wastes in the form of urine and solid wastes in the form of faeces. "

Which is beautiful right? Now in this case teacher gives you a word limit of 2000-3000 words. Now what? You're screwed mate! So you would write :

"Every human being has an excretory system...................Ummmm.... Faeces are yellow in color. It's other name is poop....... If you had an Indian food at dinner last night, its color might turn out to be red. It smells like shit....... It's other name is shit too. Ummmm...... If you think that by eating your poop you might excrete out delicious food, it won't happen....... So do not ever try to eat it........ Ummmm....... We shit at our toilet. If we shit outside the toilet, it would be considered as a bad manner. You would get beaten up by your mom. So we should always shit in our toilet. .........."

You see what I'm getting at? This is a freaking garbage. I mean increasing the word limit would make you write the points that are not even related to the topic. You will have to write the points that you don't even wanna write. So no wonder why you would get 2.56799739382957720974387438974286289328756 in your essay exams out of 50.

So these are some things that I find stupid about school. In this article, some ideas are being taken from a YouTube channel named GRADEAUNDERA. Go check out his videos. They are freaking amazing.

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