Funeral culture in the movie Brilliant Night! "show off"

in #funeral2 years ago

Brilliant Night! (2022) - Funeral culture in the movie, Brilliant Night! "show off" funeral culture like no other.

After releasing the official trailer and poster, Bright Night! made a strong impression on the audience through the story of the tragedy of a funeral home. In order for the audience to better understand the work, the producer continues to introduce the latest behind-the-scenes clip revolving around the funeral practices of the Southern people - the topic exploited in the film.

The World's Most Unique Funeral

Funerals, funerals are definitely a custom, events that must appear in everyone's life, to balance with life. Death and loss will of course always bring sadness, sometimes changing thoughts or views on life. A funeral, or roughly speaking, an event to see off someone who has just died has become something both sacred and sad that we can only accept but no one wants it to happen.

Funerals vary from place to place in the world, depending on the culture of each country, even each locality. If funerals in the West usually take place in a quiet atmosphere, all attendees are dressed in black, in Asia it is more diverse. Depending on our beliefs and spiritual beliefs, we can see different funerals through movies, books or real experiences. In Vietnam alone, there are many different ways to organize funerals and funerals depending on religion and region.

“ The funerals of the South and the North are very different. In the North, people cry a lot at funerals. But not only in the South. Their families can drink alcohol, sing karaoke, invite people to sing or even play cards. Because they want to let the deceased know that the family life after the loss will still have to go on, everyone has to be happy to live on ” - actress, producer Nha Uyen and also the wife of director Aaron To share.

Director Aaron also said that the funeral of the South Vietnamese is unique in the world. It was an event of grief, loss, mourning, but still resplendent with color. In the Shining Night! , when the grandfather passes away is also an opportunity for generations in the family to reunite. They meet again after building separate lives, sharing pain and other emotions. Since then, the hidden corners that seemed to have been buried were also excavated.

Years of living in the US, knowing many Vietnamese people made him fall in love with Vietnamese culture. After living and working in Vietnam for 16 years, getting married to a Vietnamese woman (actress Nha Uyen) and living in a Vietnamese family, Aaron became more and more passionate about and loved Vietnamese culture. He always wanted to bring what he saw, he experienced, and his life into a movie that was pure Vietnamese. And with the Shining Night! , he believes that a familiar, honest and close funeral will be the perfect bridge for his love and admiration for Vietnamese culture to the public.

Actor Kim B also expressed his surprise for director Aaron when he was not only familiar with Vietnamese culture but also fluent in Vietnamese. The slang words he knows are sometimes more than the average Vietnamese. Therefore, although it is the product of an American director, the Night is Brilliant! still extremely Vietnamese, is a pure Vietnamese film.

Funerals, reunions and the pain of abuse

As mentioned in the previous behind-the-scenes episode, the elements of lighting, setting, etc. are all tried by the team to be as realistic as possible with the ultimate aim of increasing the experience for the audience to enjoy. Events in the Brilliant Night! It can be surprising to one person, but it can also be very familiar to another. “ A film, in addition to techniques, must also have its own life capital included. Through that, the audience will have a better understanding of the character ,” said Aaron.

At funerals in the South, families often invite gay people to join in singing. Families with conditions like the ones in the film also invite reformed artists to perform, as a respect for the deceased, allowing them to "live" the last moments very busy. To bring out the most realistic feeling, the music in the film is recorded directly from the performances on the scene, plus the colors are carefully calculated. Because the funeral - the biggest event in the film is the most important "context" for the film to speak about the bigger, shocking things: domestic violence.

Director of photography Nguyen Khac Nhat said: “ At funerals in the South, the last day of mourning before the funeral is always the day with the most “acts”. The film revolves around this final night to increase the effectiveness of the storytelling, pushing the emotions to the climax of the family members, revolving around their pain and secrets .”

With family on a Bright Night! , the splendor and glitz on that mourning night was like a mask for each person in the family, to cover up the negative emotions of violence, patriarchy, and even greed and selfishness. From an event familiar to all that is funerals, a Bright Dark Night! is also the voice of the director, actors and crew members about domestic violence, a problem that happens a lot in Vietnamese families, causing a lot of pain and serious events. It not only changes someone physically but also has terrible psychological consequences.

Brilliant Night! Directed by Aaron Toronto, with the participation of Nha Uyen, Huynh Kien An, Phuong Dung, Huynh Dong, Xuan Trang, Diem Phuong, Kim B... will premiere nationwide on April 8, 2022.

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