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RE: When someone does good he must be supported !! part 2

in #fundraising6 years ago (edited)

Still ignoring you walden. You remain jealous and insignificant. You should spend your time trying to produce something useful instead of wasting it on tirades about people who have done better than you on this platform even though they made mistakes in the past. There's still time for you to get over this mistake to and become a productive member of the platform. But you have a long road since all the women think you are a stalker and message me all the time about your perverted direct messages. Based on your $50 wallet and your time served here you've never figured out how to operate this place and attacking other users who do good in the world isn't going to help you at all. So like I said to you in discord. Fuck off. Get a life. Mind your own business. Only That is made Difficult by the fact you don't have any business. No one cares about you and this desperate attempt to become relevant is the wrong way to do it.


"Still ignoring you walden"
This is a very particular way of ignoring me @sircork , never seen it before.
"You remain jealous and insignificant."
Jealous of who? of witness number 2346789 or of the serial plagiarist charity scammer he supports?
"You should spend your time trying to produce something useful instead of wasting it on tirades about people who have done better than you on this platform even though they made mistakes in the past."
I'm a cleaner Sircork, I clean plagiarists and scammers from this platform, and the comment above is not a tirade, its a message informing the readers of this post that the author is a serial plagiarist and a scammer, just like cheetah does, only a little bit personalized and not automated and preformated, and yes mistakes are made in the past, last time I checked nobody mentions mistakes made in the future.
"There's still time for you to get over this mistake to and become a productive member of the platform"
A productive member of this platform?? I believe that cleaning scammers and plagiarists is a very productive task in this platform and Im sure most of the community agrees with that, except that is, scammers and plagiarists.
"But you have a long road since all the women think you are a stalker and message me all the time about your perverted direct messages"
All the women?? Did you talk to all the women? They message you all the time?
Ok show me these messages that "all the women send you all the time" , lets see who is "all the women" and what is "all the time" and lets particularly see what is "perverted" according to you.
In any case, what does that has to do with the message above ? Nothing
Its like if I show you evidence and facts about , say, a car crash, and you tell me "I had ravioli for dinner last night" hmmm, great, so what?

"Based on your $50 wallet and your time served here you've never figured out how to operate this place and attacking other users who do good in the world isn't going to help you at all."
Again, what does the size of my wallet has anything to do with the evidence presented?
And yes, cleaning is not a very well paying function, but somebody has to do it, and if you ask any cleaner they will tell you I'm one of the best at it.

"Mind your own business. Only That is made Difficult by the fact you don't have any business."
My business is cleaning plagiarists and scammers and informing the community who they are, and that is exactly what I'm doing.
Your business on the other hand is running a charity organization and a witness, and an essential part of those jobs is not to support scammers and serial plagiarists.
Who do you think is gonna vote for @noblewitness knowing that its key member actively and knowingly supports serial plagiarists and scammers?

"No one cares about you and this desperate attempt to become relevant is the wrong way to do it."
It is not my intention to become relevant, the intention of this message is to inform the members of the community that read this post, that the author is a serial plagiarist and a charity scammer. Simple as that.


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