Help Mark fight cancer!

in #fundraiser6 years ago (edited)

My friends dad is fighting cancer. Their gofundme fundraiser is almost half way there! Let's show them the power of Steem by donating to their campaign and getting them to their goal!

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I will personally match the value of this post in my donation.

I've only ever had one conversation with Mark, but we talked about Steem! lol, but, I know Jace and Cindy well and to see this campaign succeed would be awesome! Please resteem and donate if you can!

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Last year, Mark found out he had metastatic prostate cancer. He spent two weeks in the hospital undergoing procedures, transfusions, and testing. Since then, he has continued to require frequent procedures and testing.

Recently, his labs revealed that his PSA is rising; the prostate cancer has become resistant to hormone deprivation and is worsening again. His urologist and oncologist are recommending a promising cell based immunotherapy treatment called Provenge, however, insurance doesn't want to cover it, and as a newer therapy, it's not cheap.

Also, as a result of complications, he had to have stents placed in his ureters, which have to be changed frequently. During the last stent replacement, one of the stents had too much calcification to be removed and replaced. A lithotripsy machine is required to break up the calcification, but no in-network providers have this and insurance won't cover out-of-network costs.

Throughout all of this, Mark has continued working full time as much as possible, but the time he has had to take off for procedures and recovery has added up and he has exhausted his sick time and paid time off.

We estimate the cost of the treatment and procedures will be $10,000. Anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated by Mark and his family.

Thank you

The biggest thing you can do to help is make a donation directly to their campaign at Please go to the gofundme campaign and donate now. If all of you donate $5 or $10, they can reach their goal in no time!


@richardcrill We are Muslim and Muslim Believe and pray to God for such a kind of disease and now a days our holy month Ramadan is running and we keep fast . And keep fasting is best treatment for Cancer patients, tell them to take fast and They will be Good. Please For God Sack only try this for just 28 days .
May God Keep them safe and song.

There are still thousands who are fighting for their lives....sorry for the cancer part...
May he be healthy soon..

This is really unfortunate and i am praying to the Almighty Father for Mark's wellness and i hope and wish that everything will be fine and he will once again be an active member, so let's push hard Steemians, it's just not about someone, it's about the one who is fellow human being. Your work is appreciable brother. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed.

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