Major surgeries: Ilizarov Method

in #fundition6 years ago


A different... treatment

Hello everyone, I want to thank you all for the valuable collaboration in my campaign to raise funds for my trip to Europe, I look forward to being able to develop academically and improve every day. A hug.

There are procedures that in orthopedic surgery and traumatology go beyond the conventional for certain types of pathologies or diseases, surgery always seeks the least damage and be the least invasive for the human body. Precisely one of these ideal treatments was designed many years ago by a genius of orthopedic surgery.


Gavriil Ilizárov

Gavriil Abramovich Ilizárov was a Soviet doctor, known for inventing the Ilizárov apparatus for bone elongation and for his eponymic surgery. Ilizárov was born in the village of Białowieża, in the voivodship of Polesia, in Poland, in a family from Daguestán. Shortly after his birth, the family moved to Qusar, Azerbaijan, where he grew up. He graduated from Buinaksk and then from the medical faculty of Simferopol (Crimea). In 1944 he was sent to a rural hospital in the Oblast of Kurgan, Siberia. In 1955 he became the head of the department of traumatology and orthopaedics at the veterans' hospital in Kurgan. In 1961 he created the centre for restorative surgery and orthopaedics in Kurgan and was the head of the centre until 1991.

Ilizárov discovered that by carefully cutting a bone without cutting the periosteum around it, the two halves of the bone could be separated slightly and the bone would grow to fill the residual space between the two halves. He also discovered that bone regrowth occurs at a fairly uniform rate in all people and circumstances.

These experiments led to the design of what is known as Ilizárov's fixator, which holds the bone in place by an external fixation procedure, using a set of external metal rings attached to the bone by screws or surgical needles. With these operations Ilizárov discovered that it is possible to extend a bone as long as desired.

Ilizárov made a trip to the United States in the early 1990s to discuss his work, little known at the time. He died of a cardiac arrest in 1992, at the age of 71.



Ilizarov Method

The method was invented 50 years ago by Dr. Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov, founder of the centre. Over time his method has been perfected and spread throughout the world. Most surgeons who apply this method in other countries have learned it in Kurgan, Russia. It is the most recognized and optimal method for increasing height, since it is a non-invasive method that controls the lengthening process and prevents complications. Ilizarov's method is a low trauma method. This means that all surgical interventions are done through small incisions (1-1.5 cm), and soft tissues are damaged as little as possible. After the operation, its extremity is fixed with an external fixation device (Ilizarov device), which is disassembled at the end of the treatment. No metal parts remain inside the bone, and this is the big difference compared to internal fixation. Complications are infrequent, if they occur, they are temporary and do not influence the final result of the treatment because doctors control the postoperative process and make corrections throughout the treatment without any additional operation. Patients can walk with the device the next day of the operation and throughout the treatment period. Physical therapy is performed by a team of rehabilitated exercise instructors.

The following images are of a patient treated by Ilizarov method with very satisfactory results carried out by my work team.



If you need recommendations or help in orthopedic surgery and traumatology do not hesitate to contact me.

Dr. Leopoldo Maizo - Orthopedic Surgeon


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